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wi-fi europe

jo scott

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The Blackberry's main strength is email, though they can access the internet also. The user doesn't have to do anything (other than remove the battery occasionally to reset it when it sulks) as email comes to the device automatically. From the use-abroad perspective, having email pushed to the Blackberry is a nominal cost - certainly compared to using the internet, which is a different story abroad.


My latest Blackberry also has a decent media player and GPS for using maps on the move.



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Jo, I'm faced with the same prospect whilst away this summer - maintaining my own website and uploading files for customers to download. I've not found anything which seems a better alternative than laptop and wi-fi. So, if it means finding a suitable location to do a bit of work and sit with a coffee or two, then so be it.


However, I have to quickly answer some quite involved technical support emails, so the Blackberry is much better for me than an email-enabled mobile. One day, we'll have internet and email in the one package, whilst abroad, at not too obscene a cost.



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Ventoux - 2008-01-19 10:57 AM
Brian Kirby - 2008-01-18 11:38 AM The phone bit seems possible via 3's p.a.y.g. voice/data offerings,
Brian Is this usable with a laptop? Is it like the expensive Vodaphone USB mobile modem thing?

You'd need to look at 3's website to get a proper answer for your intended use, as there are various options of hardware and pay-plans.  However, the simple answer is yes, and provided you pay for the data use "up front", the rates do look favourable compared to Voda.  You need either a USB aircard "dongle", or to have a 3G mobile that can be used as a modem when attached to your PC by USB.  Bluetooth seems not to be helpful, since its transfer rates are slow compared to the 3G rates, making a Bluetooth connection into a bottleneck.

We went over your mountain last autumn, but the cloud was lower than the peak when we got there!

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I'm humbled Mike!  That is one hell of a climb, without any respite.  All the riders we saw at the summit looked as thought they were having near-death experiences!  No wonder they were all being photographed in the clouds, with the summit placard for a backdrop as evidence.  We were totally in awe of their stamina and determination.
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Hi - This is my first post but I am so impressed with the forum and the support in the threads, I thought I'd dip my toe in the water.


I have a suggestion and a bit of a problem. Canary Wireless are launching a new version of the digital hotspotter this month. (sales@canarywireless.com). As well as locating hotspots without opening the laptop, it is supposed to now additionally show whether they are free (and open) or private and payable. Sounds good as a drive by solution.


There is also new Skype mobile which works where 3 have a network. I am checking on this.


My question and problem is to do with hotspot security. I occasionally download password secured data but not enough for a card. I have been advised not to use hotspots without encryption or a VPN. This is where I get lost.


Like you, I downloaded the JiWire Hotspot Helper for a trial and my anti-virus told me It had Adware.Softomate.x spyware attached. JiWire think that my AV is mistaken and the AV people want to put in their virus lab.


Does anyone have experience or an opinion on this please and indeed on the need for and use of a VPN.


We are off to NZ in February (sadly leaving our own FD behind and hiring there) and will need to have mobile communications over there.


Thanks in advance



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Brian Kirby - 2008-01-20 4:41 PM


I'm humbled Mike!  That is one hell of a climb, without any respite.  All the riders we saw at the summit looked as thought they were having near-death experiences!  No wonder they were all being photographed in the clouds, with the summit placard for a backdrop as evidence.  We were totally in awe of their stamina and determination.


"Because it's there." ;-)

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