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Dometic Fridge recall


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Is anybody else having a problem getting the inspection needed under this recall done?


We have phoned the number given in the recall and were told to call our local Dometic agent who say they know nothing about the recall and will only come out if we pay a call out charge. We can't take the van to them as they don't have big enought premises and anyway it's a 100 mile round trip.


Has anybody had this inspection done without problems?

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Had mine done yesterday, no prob. Rang dometic and they took all my details, they then told me who to contact re the work, this company was just 8 miles away, I rang them and they booked it in, just 5 days wait,

When I got there they were very good, Greentrees of Dereham did the work.

Cheers :-D

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These are links to earlier forum postings about this:








(The way it worked for me was that I contacted Dometic via the free-phone number, masses of details were taken and I received a follow-up telephone call (I think from Germany) some weeks later asking me to get in touch with a caravan dealership about 10 miles away that had been authorised to carry out the modification.)




If there are motorhome dealerships closer to you than the Dometic agency you mention, you might try contacting them to see if they've agreed to carry out the recall work for their customers and are prepared to do the same for you. Alternatively, go back to Dometic via the recall number, explain the problems you are having with your local Dometic agency and ask what's the best way forward.


In most cases the modification will not be a 'workshop' job. Assuming there hasn't already been a failure of the fixing-bracket/fixing-screw resulting in damage to the fridge's cooling system, as long as the lower area of the back of the appliance is accessible through an exterior ventilation grille the modification should take no longer than 10 minutes.


If it's practicable, it would be a good idea to check your motorhome's fridge to see whether a problem with the bracket/screw is already evident. If (as seems very likely) things are OK, then perhaps you can arrange with someone to do the work at a time convenient to you - when you know you will be travelling close to a Dometic agency for example. If a breakage has occurred, then the fault will need rectification ASAP.

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Thanks everyone for your comments.


We have been back to Dometic and they have given us two other agents to contact - one 100 miles away and the other over 50! They also say they will contact our nearest one to see why they say they know nothing about it. Having seen the posts re the amount Dometic pay for this, I would not be surprised if it is a question of don't want to know rather than don't know!


Re: the suggestion that we try our nearest motorhome dealership - that is also 50 miles away and they referred us to the Dometic Agent!


Will get the Old Man to check the fridge, as suggested, to see if the screws are affected.

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I have had my Dometic Fridge modified, ten minutes work. It was a 70 mile round trip to have it done in Banbury.


It seems that Dometic are getting this work done on the cheap!


I suggest that we all bill them at their Luton HQ for our fuel expenses.


Has anyone received a recall notice from the dealer where they purchased their motorhome or caravan?

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We have had the same problem getting the job done. Two dealers we were told to contact some time ago knew nothing about it - or so they said. A third dealer told us that they had been offered about £6 to do the job and could not be bothered at that price. Perhaps this is where the problem lies - I don't know.
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The recall notice on Dometic's website makes it clear that there will be not dealer notification :


"As identification of affected appliances is not possible, Dometic asks all owners of vehicles fitted with the above mentioned Dometic fridge freezer models to contact the Dometic service team to arrange for their refrigerator to be inspected"


I have emailed them to ask if they will reimburse any call out charges or fuel expenses.

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  • 1 year later...

I have resurrected this thread because of a letter I received from Dometic a couple of days ago. This letter was a reminder that - according to Dometic records - the safety-modification needed for my Hobby's fridge-freezer had not been carried out.


It's possible that all Dometic fridge-freezers that required work and are installed in UK-registered motorhomes have now been modified. However, if your motorhome has one of the appliances that needed the safety-modification and you aren't sure whether this has been carried out, it might be wise to confirm the position with Dometic.

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