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Major Fiat/Peueot/Citroen problems


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Bump ! Hope that those who part with their money in full knowledge of this problem don't get 'their fingers burnt'.

The relative lack of choice in base vehicles, still wouldn't force me to get one....... yet.!! of course Fiat/Sevel might just have quietly gone ahead and fixed the problem (without leaving themselves open to masses of recalls). ONLY time will tell. :D

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I received yet another ‘stock response’ letter from Fiat UK customer relations today advising me that i should give it more revs in reverse to reduce the juddering, that there is no manufacturing fault & that at this time they feel unable to extend the vehicle’s warranty period for clutch & gearbox.


So, Fiat still insist that there’s nothing wrong & see no need to offer any reassurance to it’s customers, they did however inform that they had passed on my concerns & dissatisfaction of the situation to Fiat head office in Italy.


There you have it, exactly what Fiat are intending to do about this whole sorry mess………….. nothing!!!




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Playtime - 2008-04-30 8:10 PM


Perhaps the BBCs Watchdog programme would be interested in with the lack of any real practical response from Fiat, Citroen and Peugeot. (?)


If i'm not mistaken someone is already pursuing this & i doubt they'll have much difficulty finding a duff juddering X250 to bounce backwards up their choice of hill.



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WEll done you good news hopefully with enough people doing that kind of thing they might just take the case .


I wonder would it help if all the people with judders did it e mailed watch dog eventually they just might think hey theres a story to be had here ??


what do you all think good idea or bad ?

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I took my Peugeot 2.2l 6-speed to my dealer to assess judder today after carrying out YLH recall. I was told that the judder when reversing was the same as other vans they had assessed and they had been advised to tell the owner to increase the revs. I told him that was a load of crap. However, having built a good relationship with the particular individual I dealt with I am sure that he was having to 'toe the line' to protect his position at the dealership. He assured me that my complaint would be fed back to Peugeot. I will be going to watchdog, etc.
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colin weston - 2008-05-01 8:07 PM


I took my Peugeot 2.2l 6-speed to my dealer to assess judder today after carrying out YLH recall. I was told that the judder when reversing was the same as other vans they had assessed and they had been advised to tell the owner to increase the revs. I told him that was a load of crap. However, having built a good relationship with the particular individual I dealt with I am sure that he was having to 'toe the line' to protect his position at the dealership. He assured me that my complaint would be fed back to Peugeot. I will be going to watchdog, etc.


Colin............. The same well rehearsed response that all of us have had from Fiat.



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I took delivery of a Pilote P690FG with 3 litre 160 multijet engine and my wife and I are very pleased with it, except for the front end part by Fiat.

Water does get in under the bonnet by way of the join in the scuttle and the two hinges. My vehicle has had the modifications carried out to prevent water egress but it obviously does not work. Around the two hinges they have fixed some rubber boots but they are ineffective and water pours onto a supporting bracket and then onto the main fuse box cover.

As for judder I have not as yet found a place to test it. When I reverse onto my drive which is gravel and fairly level I can feel a slight vibration which is certainly not there where I move forward on the drive.

I find it difficult to understand that some people have said that they do not get water egress under the bonnet. The way Fiat has designed and built the front end water is bound to come in.



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niton - 2008-05-05 9:02 PM


I took delivery of a Pilote P690FG with 3 litre 160 multijet engine and my wife and I are very pleased with it, except for the front end part by Fiat.

Water does get in under the bonnet by way of the join in the scuttle and the two hinges. My vehicle has had the modifications carried out to prevent water egress but it obviously does not work. Around the two hinges they have fixed some rubber boots but they are ineffective and water pours onto a supporting bracket and then onto the main fuse box cover.

As for judder I have not as yet found a place to test it. When I reverse onto my drive which is gravel and fairly level I can feel a slight vibration which is certainly not there where I move forward on the drive.

I find it difficult to understand that some people have said that they do not get water egress under the bonnet. The way Fiat has designed and built the front end water is bound to come in.




I certainly do not get water under the bonnet. Water does run under top edge, as it must do on all vehicles, but then is effectively channeled away. I can only assume some m/h manufacturers have older base vehicles in stock than others and have a modified vehicle done by dealer rather than the factory modification.

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niton - 2008-05-05 9:02 PM


I took delivery of a Pilote P690FG with 3 litre 160 multijet engine and my wife and I are very pleased with it, except for the front end part by Fiat.

Water does get in under the bonnet by way of the join in the scuttle and the two hinges. My vehicle has had the modifications carried out to prevent water egress but it obviously does not work. Around the two hinges they have fixed some rubber boots but they are ineffective and water pours onto a supporting bracket and then onto the main fuse box cover.

As for judder I have not as yet found a place to test it. When I reverse onto my drive which is gravel and fairly level I can feel a slight vibration which is certainly not there where I move forward on the drive.

I find it difficult to understand that some people have said that they do not get water egress under the bonnet. The way Fiat has designed and built the front end water is bound to come in.






Ours is the 3.0l 160 & it judders in reverse to some degree on the level also, it gets worse as the gradient increases. Get a Fiat technician to check it out for you & if you're not happy with the outcome register your concerns with Fiat UK customer relations.


Ours also has the water feature up front, we got rid of our standard silver screen & shelled out £140:00 for an extra length Taylor Made screen to keep the water out, maybe Fiat should provide these as standard issue. Of course when the screen is in place it makes forward progress impossible, i would reverse everywhere using the camera but then of course it would judder.


I wish some third party independant would come up with a reasonably priced fix for the judder, i'd be prepared to pay myself to put an end to all this hassle & chance my luck at claiming the cost from Fiat at a later date.




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This may be an idiot question, but is a hill really necessary to check whether your Citroen/Fiat/Peugeot motorhome displays the juddering malady?


Can't one just reverse the vehicle against the handbrake, or against levelling-wedges placed behind the rear wheels? (The slope of my wedges is equivalent to about a 1-in-4 incline, which is pretty steep.)


Admittedly either testing-method would be a bit cruel on the clutch (though this doesn't seem to worry lots of motorcaravanners I've seen putting their motorhomes on wedges!), but it should be a lot more convenient than trying to find a suitable hill.

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Derek, You are quite correct. One can create one's own hill with chocks. Your wedges may represent a 1 in 4 gradient but the 'true' gradient that the vehicle experiences will be about half of this, i.e. the centre of gravity will be raised about half the height of the chock. I think this is correct.


For safety reasons I always reverse into my driveway and I get some judder negotiating the slope from the road to the drive, a vertical height change of some 4 or 5 inches on a longish wheelbase vehicle.


Message to all regarding BBC Watchdog.

I sent another email to Jenni Regan and got an automated reply. As the last Watchdog until the Autumn is next week she is away on holiday until 15 May and is then transferred to some other news programme. I explained that the problem needed their assistance and would still be around in the Autumn. I don't want to sound like a pessimist but I don't see an early solution. If you haven't emailed Watchdog you could do so now and prime them for the Autumn.

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We have been following this thread with interest as we have a

1.6 - 3 litre - engine on our Ducato. We have had all the "fixes" done locally by our Fiat garage but found to our dismay last weekend that we appear to have "the judder" :-(


Having had really good service from Fiat customer services from the outset my husband asked me to call them today and register our vehicle as having a problem. The lady I spoke to this morning was very pleasant and confirmed that Fiat are aware of a possible clutch problem on SOME vehicles and were looking into it. At present there is no "fix" but as soon as they come up with one they will contact us.


She said that somebody will call us within the week to discuss the problem and gave us a call reference number. This reference shows we have logged the fault and Fiat will contact us immediately there is a way of resolving the problem.


On the surface it looks like their normal good customer service (to us anyway) and we will keep watching for others' experiences with interest. - I am already ducking the "brickbats" expected..... ;-)

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