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Guest RonB

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With 70 years of age looming on the horizon I was looking to down-plate (adequate payload available)to 3500kg. However, my dealer has advised that this is only possible on first registration of the vehicle but not after. From previous postings on the subject I have doubts about this advice and two thoughts cross my mind. Are they trying to sell me a new van,or worse,has there been a recent change in the legislation? Your comments would be most welcome. All together now "nobody loves you when your old and gray ........." Ron
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Guest barrie wells
hi, we had our symphony UP plated via SV TECH, they were very helpfull & may be able to advise the reverse.They apparenly deal with plating details on behalf of the manufacturers.i can't remember the guys name but it could be worth a phone call
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I'm pretty sure its perfectly possible to downplate a vehicle. Have a look at www.tvac.co.uk which has a section for information on up/down grading m/home chassis or give them a ring on 01772 457116 pete.
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Thank you for your comments Barrie and Pete. My dealer was talking rubbish. I spoke with SVtech and they confirmed that suitable vehicles can be up-plated and down-plated at any time. What's more, it appears that my Ducato 18 starts out as a 3500kg chassis from Fiat and then is upgraded by the converter,to 4000kg in my case,who add their vin plate to show this. Down-plating again is as simple, apparently, as removing the converters vin plate and telling DVLA that the vehicle now operates at its original weight of 3500kg.
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My Laika was 3500 when purchased in Holland by the previouse owner,although rated at 3850 in Europe.I had it upgraded to 3850 because it was 3520 when empty with just myself in.I see no reason why it cant be reversed when I reach 70 if necessary.Cross that bridge in 3 years time.
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hello everyone, this is a subject to which we had previously given little thought...probably like many people. but after our experience we think it is definately something everyone should be aware of. the van is a twin-axle hymer694g first reg in 1997. we are the 4th owners. On the dvla document it is recorded as 4500 kg. Not knowing any differently, we simply assumed this to be correct. on our last trip across the pond the ferry weighbridge recorded 4380kg so we thought we were o.k. in the midst of rural spain we came to a shuddering halt and realised that one of the rear axles had broken. A call to the insurer and we were escorted ( very slowly )to a local garage where we stayed outside in the van for 7 days waiting for a part to be delivered. Finally arriving at our destination and relaxing, we were reading some back copies of mmm and came across the articles on weights/overloading. We checked the plate to find to our horror that the plate read only 4000 kg. Perhaps because the garage was in such an isolated area and the levels of communication were fairly basic, no attention was paid to the actual laden weight. A case of ignorance is indeed bliss, and we were lucky in this instance, but the outcome could have been much worse. However, we now have a conundrum. has the vehicle been down plated to 4000kg but not registered as such with dvla? has the vehicle been wrongly registered with dvla at 4500kg at the first registration? we have contacted hymer uk who are trying to confirm the weight with germany... we await an email!!! we will look on the tvac site, as depending on the outcome from hymer, we may need to up-plate if possible. the info on these postings is very helpful thanks everyone regards berti
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Yes petej I do realise that but I had driven it for 18 months before I weighed it then started worrying once I knew.Probably I'll downsize a little after 70, in any case any likely buyer would want it left as it is.
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Guest WRDunstone
Hi RonB, Sorry I am a bit late in on this one but the site has been keeping me out recently. A couple of points to consider: 1. Driving licence, why downrate, presumably at your age you have had a driving licence for some time. If so, why not keep up your entitlement to drive up to 7.5 Tons. You only need a medical, which if you are fit to drive you will pass (I think it is only to raise some cash for the Gov.). If you do consider this whatever you do keep a copy of your existing licence when you send it away, DVLA have a great habit of losing entitlements! 2. Why downrate for other reasons. Second hand value could be reduced. Load carrying capacity will be marginalised if not gone.
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The reason is WR, that I need the option of downplating later if needed. Although fit at the moment I am on preventitive medicine due to family history. Insurers view this with horror if they ask the question and it might be that DVLA will take the same view.
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