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A Frame


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I know this topic has been covered before and I certainly don't want a discussion on the legalities or not of A Frames, my question is aimed at anyone who has used an A frame with the chains and straps rather than the ones with a dedicated metal frame fixed inside the frontage of the car.

I have seen a few in use, the chain around the wishbone type, but just wondered how you got on with it? I also intend to buy and use a Brake Buddy.

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Used one years ago as a mechanic. It did it's job, recovered the car back to the garage. I would not want to tow anything any distance with it based on my experiences. We (the garage) then bought a towing dolly, where the front wheels are lifted off the ground. A whole lot better to tow with and safer.

IMO the ONLY way to go with an A Frame is a dedicated one from Chris Cox, Towtal etc. It's made for the job. A braked version is also a must.

Obviously the chain and dolly type are totally legal for the purpose they were designed. Vehicle RECOVERY.

Where as a dedicated A Frame may/may not be legal/illegal, depending which end of the A frame you sitting on :-D

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Totally agree with Chief - the ONLY way to go is a proper fixed, braked A-Frame - unless you only want to RECOVER a broken down vehicle a few miles.


Besides the legal issue you will find the fixed A-frame much easier to put on/take off without having to grovel about under the car, your lights and brakes are connected and it is a much safer tow all round.

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Sorry, but you cannot avoid the legalities here. The type you describe is specifically for vehicle recovery and there is no 'greyness' in the law. Such an A-Frame may ONLY be used to recover a broken down vehicle (not a 'well' one - the relevant law is quite explicit here). During recovery using such a device, you are limited to speeds of:


40mph on motorways

20mph on all other roads.


If you try using such a device in place of a fixed A-Frame, you are liable to be stopped and charged. And there is no 'grey area' get-out.


Mel E


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