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Missing Pages ACSI Camping Card 2008 Please check your guide!

Don Madge

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Missing Pages ACSI Camping Card 2008 Please check your guide!


Unfortunately there has been a printing problem in about 5% of 2008 ACSI Camping Card guide books. Blocks of about 15 pages may be missing, typically in the three hundreds (France). We were not aware of this problem until about the 9th January, and all guides have been checked since then. But to be sure you should check your guide.


The problem is not only in the English guide so this has been a real blow to ACSI. To make things simple whether you ordered your book form Vicarious books or ACSI please call 0131 208 3333 or email ask@vicariousbooks.co.uk We will not require your old guide back, we will send you a replacement with the Camping Card removed.


We will also contact as many customers as possible and hopefully deal with the problem as quickly as possible.


Chris Vicarious Books

0131 208 3333

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I think Don has done us all a favour in telling us about this. Or at least those of us who ordered the ACSI Guide. It would not necessarily be obvious straight away that some pages are missing, so thanks, Don.


I ordered mine a couple of days ago, so I'll certainly check mine when it arrives.






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us still says madgey shood sack is printer. or is forum members sayin we should av a whip round to elp pay for the missin pages. question is: is madgey rich or do we raise sum dosh to help im out. sounds to me an alice that us shood send inm sum dosh. how about it members. as anyone got the address. us will start the ball rollong by donating tomorrow mornins egg collection. it is a bit of a calamity and us do feel us ought to help out.



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