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Long Stay Campsites in UK

Guest Chrisb

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Our story is that as a family, we live in France, but my husband works in the UK during the week, and is getting fed up with staying in hotels 3/4 nights a week. He is thinking about buying a motorhome in which to 'lay his head' during the week, but the problem we seem to be coming up against is finding somewhere where he can leave the van permanently,as he will not be coming home at weekends in the van, and most sites appear to have restrictions on the length of stay(around 3 weeks). Does anyone know of any sites M3 corridor/Surrey/Hampshire where a long stay might be possible? Many thanks.
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Rather than go for a 'normal' commercial camp site, you might find it possible to locate a friendly Caravan Club CL (ie 5 van site) who may allow you to leave the van on his land, or even a friendly farmer somewhere nearby, it'll be a lot cheaper and most CL's have electric hook-up and some even have bathroom facilities. Don't forget to check out insurance for the 'van though as it will be left on site unattended, some companies are funny about this. If you're not in the Caravan Club (which I suspect you're not!) if you join them you will be able to get details of where these CLs are - it costs I think about £31.00 per year to join and then you get to stay on their 'proper' camp sites for around £5.00 cheaper per night than a non-member - the CLs are only open to members and are a lot cheaper. First though - do you really need a motorhome or would a caravan suffice, especially if your husband wanted to commute to work each day? Also bear in mind that any 'van you get would need to be 'winterised' otherwise your hubby will find that his water pipes will freeze or even burst, not to metion the boiler, taps etc!!! Oh, and the insulation would need to be good if he didn't freeze as well!! If you've never used a motorhome before, or even a caravan, in winter, make sure you are fully aware of the possible implications, in theory it's a good idea but in practice it might not be exactly the 'home comforts' like a hotel that your husband is looking for after a busy day at work!!! Good luck!
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Hi As Mel said dont forget Winter, it can be pretty miserable living in a M/home/caravan in this country in the Winter not so much cold as cold/damp. What about sharing a house/flat with someone, or just a room. Could be a lot warmer and more comfortable. Cost is the only thing, depending where he needs to be. I am on the edge of the Hants/Berks/Surrey borders and you can rent a 2Bedroom house for around £600 a month. Good luck. David.
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Thank you both very much for your prompt, helpful and friendly replies. You are right to suspect, Mel, that we are complete camping novices !! - we will look into joining the Caravan Club, and we hadn't taken into account the damp aspect of living in a caravan/motorhome in Winter - it wouldn't do for him to go into work smelling of damp and with mouldy shirts!! He was thinking about plugging in a greenhouse heater when he wasn't in the van - would this work, do you think? The £600/month you mention, David, is this for a 'whole' 2 bedroom house, or just for a room in one? (he doesn't fancy sharing a house with anyone other than me, and I'm bad enough, sometimes!!)Sorry, I know this is a forum for Motorhomes, but as you obviously know the area well (he works in Bracknell), would you know if you could buy anything at all house/flat-wise in that area for around £100,000? Once again, very many thanks Best Regards Chris
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