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camping car infos


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Hi Geordie,


There are two versions of the CampingCarInfos disc, one is a DVD and the other the CD, the CD has no photo's and maybe less info, also there are no Maps on either of the discs. I can recommend the DVD version as it has all the photos of the Aires as well as comments and whether or not the co-ords are verified, and lots of other bits of info, such as the ov2, csv and and driving info. Delivery is pretty sharp too, about four days max lead time.


If you find any new Aires or can upload current info and photo's of those aires which have been included on disc, is always appreciated by the many users.


Regards Terry



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Don't wish to upset anyone here, but I have the CD and it does have photo's of the sites etc. so not quite sure about the CD verses DVD comments.

Oh yes, and well worth the money though a spattering of French language is needed really.



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