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Efoy Fuel Cell?


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I have the experience of seriously contemplating one.

However, given the cost, the issue of procuring and storing fuel, and the matter of the space required for installation, I came down on the side of installing a couple of light(ish)weight 100aH leisure batteries in parallel instead.

I think that for most people in most circumstances such capacity is enough.

You have to habitually draw a great deal of current whilst parked in one spot for several days to justify anything more.

For some, such as those who wildcamp in winter and have diesel heaters, giant TV and satellite systems, and compressor fridges I could see the justification. For the remaining 99.9% I think there are more sensible power management solutions.

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I have one on trial and it works. If I say too much on here then I will shoot myself in the foot as Part 1 of my playing with it comes out in the March MMM.

I will say its quiet and does what it says on the tin.

Its not cheap. But it gives total independance and causes no one any offence. The model I have on test is the 900, (3 amps) Our MH has a Carver heater so is good on battery consumption. However running the flourescent lights all evening and the TV and my Ham Radio gear we only managed to get the cell to run for 16 hours in the New Forest parked under trees during a very wet and overcast long week end. That was all it needed to keep up with us. We don,t have a microwave running via a big inverter but I am sure that it would support sensible use of such a device if we had one. We used half a litre of methanol. thats 10% of the smaller container.


I,ve probably said too much already!


Grove Products are the UK distributors and will be at the NEC.


Its your money!!


Good luck




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Clive - 2008-01-27 4:50 PM

Hi Clive

how do they work? ie: how does the power get stored in them


I have one on trial and it works. If I say too much on here then I will shoot myself in the foot as Part 1 of my playing with it comes out in the March MMM.

I will say its quiet and does what it says on the tin.

Its not cheap. But it gives total independance and causes no one any offence. The model I have on test is the 900, (3 amps) Our MH has a Carver heater so is good on battery consumption. However running the flourescent lights all evening and the TV and my Ham Radio gear we only managed to get the cell to run for 16 hours in the New Forest parked under trees during a very wet and overcast long week end. That was all it needed to keep up with us. We don,t have a microwave running via a big inverter but I am sure that it would support sensible use of such a device if we had one. We used half a litre of methanol. thats 10% of the smaller container.


I,ve probably said too much already!


Grove Products are the UK distributors and will be at the NEC.


Its your money!!


Good luck



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thanks syd.interesting w site. fuel prices are as i thought and, as 2 of us are buying efoy the actual purchase price might improve. my new van comes in june (ish!!!!) so wanted to add one to that - all this feedback has been very worthwhile. :-D
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I think you missed one point. Grove are distributors to the TRADE and the prices I posted are the Recomended Retail Prices. It looks like they have already got some retail outlets set up and I am sure more will follow. From the prices seen at this first outlet it seems that there is sufficient margin to sell below RRP from the outset in the UK. Both the range of EFOY units and the Methanol tanks are listed below RRP.


But before you all jump just be aware that the LPG powered fuel cell is just round the corner - it runs off your cooking gas and also suplies heat into your water system. Downside is that the first of these on the market has an electrical output of 1 killowatt, requires comprehensive instalation and costs about sixteen grand plus fitting. A smaller variant is expected from Truma in a couple of years.


I guess that these and EFOY are aimed a different markets.



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Den - 2008-01-27 9:08 PM


thanks syd.interesting w site. fuel prices are as i thought and, as 2 of us are buying efoy the actual purchase price might improve. my new van comes in june (ish!!!!) so wanted to add one to that - all this feedback has been very worthwhile. :-D


I have spoken to this "Dave" the owner once and it seems to me that he has a motorhome or caravan and hence is one of us if you know what I mean.

He also said that he is prepared to work to smaller margins than most so maybe a chat with him will be useful, nice guy who is willing to chat.

He will explain to you how much fuel you may use with a certain useage


We are buying the EFOY 1600 from him at the end of March because we are careless users of electricity, Jan thinks she is in the house and it is free.



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  • 2 weeks later...
thanks syd i:ll be buying 2x1600 efoys in june .1 for me and 1 for a freind or maybe at the nec ,should discounts be available maybe we should make it 3 and club together for bulk purchase and anyone else *-) ;-)
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Could do that but I will be getting mine from the site that I have posted about because he is a nice guy and quiet generous.

I will ask him for a price on three if you wish.

Was going to get mine anytime now but there is no real hurry I guess but late May early June is the latest I can go.


Or you could email Dave on info@campervanstuff.com yourself and make the enquiries if you wish.

I could drop them off for you on my way to Europe too, say meet somewhere on my route.

Still on thinking he would probably order them and have your address put onto your two and mine onto mine and that would solve the delivery costs.


I have ordered a SOG and a Dometic CK155 from him and he will be contacting me about them tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...
efoy rep from germany demonstrated system working at the nec .no noise just a small omount of vibration[and i mean slight]the efoy had been running since start of show daily. we went yesterday and still maybe 1 ltr rema ining .unit on show was the 1600 charging at 5amps.
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I was there too!

I swapped the 900 unit I had on trial for a 1600 unit for further trials. It will suit our hopefully new van better.

I understand that my article of fitting an EFOY is in the March MMM but I haven,t seen it yet. Has anybody got theirs yet?

I recon it purrs and it has life. We call her ET (Electrochemical Technology)



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Cheers Syd,

That,s a bugger then. We have not recieved our MMM yet and its not the first time its gone AWOL. I guess someone (Outside warners) in the delivery chain feels they have a greater right to it than me.


I will leave it a couple more days then try and blag one off madmick.


Thanks for the info




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