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Oh no!! Not oil again.

Guest Peter Lawton-Harris

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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
I shouted from the rooftops that there was no shortage of oil. In vain I guess. Today the price of fuel has dropped by 4p a litre at Tesco and Asda. Others will follow. The problem with supply of fuel is not the amount of oil it's the lack of storage and refining capacity.That creates the bottleneck. After the hurricane it was predicted that there would be massive shortages of fuel so OPEC agreed to send to the USA ...30 Million barrels of oil. Wonderful? The USA has only taken a small amount of this supposedly much needed oil because it does not have the storage or refining capacity. If you guys had not panicked you could have filled your motor homes a little cheaper today. But I suppose I am wrong again????? It's going to be cold today at the show so wrap up. Peter
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There used to be nothing worse than a smart Alec!!! Except of course now a PLH!!!!! Norma - you only missed a mud bath at York - no doubt there'll be reports in some of the mags. One poor chap arrived at 4.00 pm on the Thursday and didn't get 'towed' by the tractor onto the camping field until 11.00 am on Friday!!!
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Norma, Twas on a mud bath Thursday and Friday morning, then it got better. Mel B. Brief encounter but I liked your hat. Where did you go after we got our cuppa? I was hoping for a natter. All the best Clive
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Sorry Clive I thought you were otherwise involved with another couple but in any case we couldn't come in as we had the dog with us and I don't think the 'nice' people at Brownhills would've like us bringing her in! I did want a natter though ... to find out how's Pongo??!!!
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Hi Mel, No, we asked another couple if we could share their table as there were no spare seats elsewhere and as I was not purchasing a new van was unlikely to be invited into the VIP area. That was it. But I ended up doing the gent a fag packet sketch of how to wire in some air horns using a relay that came in the package. (funny numbers on the relays etc) Pongo worked perfectly fine for the duration of the show. However on the way home we stopped for a cuppa in some services and Janet used the "facility" commenting that "Pongo" was not working very well. A quick check outside proved that it was as air was being expelled from the outlet. I guess that immediately after travelling the contents are a bit agitated?? Perhaps those with experience of the £82.00 alternative can confirm this is typical?? Do you ever get near Basingstoke? Best regards
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
First it was Gordon Brown that listened to me and now it's Richard Branson who agrees with me that it is refining capacity that is the problem when it comes to shortage of supply of fuel. Iran could supply the world with fuel but it's too busy trying to make a nuclear bomb. Am I up for a "gong" in the honours ?
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
Norma and Mel If you can't stand the heat keep out of the kitchen. Yes! it's a burden being smart but what makes it worse is being surrounded by people who aren't.
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PLH It's such a shame you have to suffer being in contact with the rest of us, but if it's any consolation we have to suffer more being in contact with others who think they are cleverer ... which is seldom the case!
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