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Fiat Reversing problem


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I was thinking of letting this one die a death or just leave it for Fred to play with - any objections or comments?

What I was also thinking (you can probably hear the clanking from where you are) was to try and get the nice man at Warners to change the name of the orignal post, to inlclude a reference to reversing and then just carry on with one.

I don't think Brain Kirby has any objections to this, but has anybody else any observations?

If you have can put them on one of the other two.

Thanks for support so far, but it may need to be a good deal longer yet.

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I thinks Alice would be better in reverse than Fred as e's aways in reverse .


I bet alice has a good back hander as well . send her up to fiat fred .

with a tractor full of what they serve up dont forget that fred will you

:D do you keeps bulls down there fred :D

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I think you'll find that the nice men at Warners have quite limited editorial powers as far as threads on these forums are concerned. Threads can certainly be removed or transferred from one forum to another, but I'm less sure that they can be re-named and I believe individual postings within a thread can't be deleted. The forum's basic design makes it suitable for handling transitory matters that produce a relatively small number of postings per thread, but hopeless for ongoing major subjects like this.


If you want to concentrate information/comment on the reversing problem into a single forum thread (and minimise the present level of comedy that is likely to be giving the Fiat chaps a good chuckle) then you could consider my suggestion in the "Petition to Mods" thread. It certainly ain't a perfect or pretty 'fix', but it's possibly the most effective and simplest way forward.

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It's been a quiet day on the North West Reversing Front today - I've only had three new angry owners today. The total is now I think, 48.

We (the upset owners) have been busily writing to anybody and everybody who might listen, and had a fair degree of success from various magazines and clubs. But it ain't enough. Not yet.

Tomorrow after a bit more checking around I will let you all know which magazines and organisations have helped and which haven't.

I hope this may influence your buying decisions.


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Well I'll bump it as there are some posts that arn't on other thread

and by the way, my couson had the clutch go on his Vito at about 3k, the reason? distorted flywheel, but I think it may have a lot to do with it being dual mass flywheel.

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I just thought I'd ring Fiat again today and spend a few minutes listening to Jamie Cullen whilst my call got lost somehere between the lovely Dominique (or was it Christina) and the Customer Care Executive Justin Westnedge who is supposedly dealing with my complaint.

This wouldn't be that bad if I didn't mind Jamie Cullen.

Anyway to cut to the chase (as the footie is on soon) Justin never did pick up his phone, and after eight minutes of the same Jamie Bloody Cullen song Christina came back on the line, asking if there was anything she could do to help.

I asked her if Fiat had made a decision about the status of our van after the road test way back on February 21st. Defective or not?

'Oh' she said, 'Your a case was closed several weeks ago, do you wish to make another complaint?'

'Well put me back through to Jamie Cullen will you and I'll talk to him. It may have more effect'.



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I've been having an interesting and somewhat baffling (email) dialogue with the unhappy Italian Fiat owners.

Firstly they don't seem to know what a Peugeot is. Presumably Peugeot don't even try in Italy.

Secondly they are obsessed with the technical aspects of this defect. They have been at it six months longer, and still haven't decided to collect a list of owners affected, so can't say how many or which vehicles are afffected. Thirdly, when I mention the 100, 120 or 160 versions all they can talk about is the 130. They don't seem interested in the others.

I have suggested that they concenrtate on the end result (getting Fiat and Peugeot in corner and beating them to death with complaints) rather than worrying about the data published by Fiat being possibly inaccurate (they are accusing Fiat of publishing false data for the gearing of the 120 or 130 models) but all I get is some Italian version of me demanding I go out and drive it forwards to assess the accuracy of the published data.

The Italians are the fun bit in all of this.


Reverse your new Ducato or Boxer up a steep hill - if it judders email me






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I had a very smartarsed reply for Shaun (sorry about the name being spelt wrongly Shaun) but the last post on the main thread kind of knocked the wind out of my sails and said a lot more than I could.

I may still use that response if he carries on attempting to undermine these efforts to get Fiat and Peugeot to sort this out for the 73 owners who are unhappy with their vehicles but hopefully he will come up with something constructive instead.

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Don't worry about it andy, he is happy with his van, so be it, personaly I'm looking for a van that will out perform my 20y.o. T25, Fiat have admitted their van won't, my problem is best layout I like is only built on a Fiat. Doh.
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