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Anyone else daft enough to


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Hypothetical. We are aware from weather warnings that going out in a MH would be a "questionable" action. In the event of it getting blown over etc, would an insurance company not say you acted recklessly. It is a recreational type vehicle and would you have justifiable reasons to be foolhardy to use it?


Im using all the politically correct words, but only a fool would drive a MH in gale conditions

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I did say "Hypothetical. We are aware from weather warnings that going out in a MH would be a "questionable""


I did not identify where. A gale can be anywhere at any time.


You got a problem with sensible behavour for MHs or as "WhiteVanMan" you can be out in all conditions the attitude we should adopt?

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We were booked onto the Edinburgh site for a few days of culture but cancelled after the weather forcast for this area was blizzards, gales and freezing temperatures over the weekend. They also predicted power cuts.

In the event of a power cut didn't fancy leaving the house to fend for itself.


Two years ago, in March, we were on the Grantown on Spey site. We had to dig ourselves onto a pitch through 2ft of snow. Stayed put for a few days needless to say. Froze up over night but managed to thaw the van out during the day.


All good fun. Might have given up but it was a 'special' birthday for me so be blowed to that. In the event, the Highlands in the snow were magical.


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Hi Poppy...we've been 'away' in the motorhome since the end of November, as a result of selling yup in Cornwall, and hoping to buy in eastbourne - the latter taking rather longer to get sorted out then expected. Currently we're at Baltic Whsarf CC (brsitol) - great site,k so far exc wether....also stayed at Abbey Wood London, and Brighton CC sites. It's good, although as you may expect for what is now 3 months or more a little restircintg on space. However, we're coping - sofar......Go for it, is what I'd say.
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Poppy - 2008-01-31 8:24 AM


Book to go away in the MH this weekend. It was so peasant last weekend we booked to go to Stanmore Hall in shropshire this weekend. HA HA[/quote





Oh Dear!! its non returnable deposit as well *-) I know Ive booked for April!! didnt ralise till too late it wasnt C.C. paying for pooch too he,s only pint pot sized as well

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