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Southern italy and sicily

Guest Alan and Lynn Parkin

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Guest Alan and Lynn Parkin
Two couples planning a trip to Sicily seek advice based on recent experience as we are getting negative reports on security from people who are not campers but who have relatives etc on the island. We both have extensive experience in most areas of Europe including Greece and Eastern Europe and regard ourselves as sensible and cautious. However, reports on recent experiences would help us make the decision whether to go right to the south or not. Thanks for any help
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Guest George & Jane Swindail
Not sure whether this is recent enough for you - We travelled to Sicily in December 2000 and spent several months there. We felt very comfortable there, to the extent of wild camping on several occasions, although we did take care to stay in a 'sosta' with a 24 hour guard for our visit to Palermo! Maybe things have changed in 5 years, but we felt no more at risk (and probably less)than in the north of Italy. If you want more details feel free to e-mail us.
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Guest George & Jane Swindail
Just realised, I don't think you can e-mail from this forum, but you probably have our address already (re Norway article).
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Guest Alan Parkin
Thanks George. We were beginning to think there was no one out there. I did have your email address before my last hard disk died, so if you still have mine drop me a line please.
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Guest Colin Hamilton
We just spent a gap year in our van touring Portugal,France,Spain and Italy. We found Italy by far the most interesting, although not so easy for wild camping. South of Rome is not so good because the beaches are either private or filthy. If you are prepared to pay between 6 and 25 Euro (although many in the north are free) you can stay on sostas. Every town appears to have one, they are specially for motorhomes and often have all hook up facilities. We stayed in one 14km from Rome for 15 euro a night with bus to the centre, or we went in everyday on our scooter. In the two months we never had a problem and can't wait to go next year. One great point is there are not many non Italian motor homes anywhere, we never saw a single GB one in two months! So you get to know the locals.
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  • 3 months later...
Guest Colin Robinson
For Alan and Lynn Parkin. Are you still wanting info or have you already gone/planned your trip? We were in Sicily for 5 weeks last April/May and have lots of info., but I don't want to fill this forum with all my stuff! If you want, either e-mail me, or post a quick Yes please reply. I found you by searching on Greece. We are planning to go there this May/June. I have posted a question under that heading. Maybe we could swap our experiences?
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Guest Alan Parkin
Hi Colin Yes please - we are still hoping to do this trip but there are some difficulties at the moment due to health issues. Happy to swap experiences, I have loads of stuff on Greece, mainly the Peloponnesse and Delphi. email is lynn.parkin@tesco.net. Looking forward to hearing from you
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