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Reclining Chairs

Tony Jones

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Sometime in the past year someone came up with the name of a chair which I was interested in.

It was one of those with a criss-cross frame, which folds into a bag for storage, but it had a footrest and reclining system too.

I've tried a 12-month search under chair, reclining, and recliner, but it only throws up lots of refs to LaFuma, which will prob be too big and heavy.

Any ideas?



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Tony was the foot rest part of the recliner or seperate. (only ask because we have two as described) and if they are what you are looking for you can have them, if we can find a way of getting them to you, (NEC. York show or something like that. they are blue and very little used. Carol.
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The best are normally from La Fuma. However on some recent models they use lots of elasticated rope to bind the seat fabric to the frame. Very comfy and well made. Found at most shows. If you are "substancial" then its worth having a spare length of this handy.
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Clive: we've looked at the LaFuma ones, but they're too bulky. Old Hannibal used to have an enormous overcab area where we put the furtiture, but new van won't have that.


Carol: the ones we saw (somewhere!) had integral footrests, but these tucked away when in vertical position for dining etc.

However, separate footrests would be a possibility - what kind are yours?



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If you have tried the chairs and like them fair enough Tony, BUT we met some people that had them and although they looked good (the chairs not the people!) they didn't like them as the footrests tended to get in the way more often than not and they were harder to store?
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La Fuma make more than 1 type of recliner. Yes we have the bulky ones but Dave Hurrell and Suzanne got some others from La Fuma, much less bulky and no rubber band!


Have a browse around


at least.


Good luck


P.S. Daughter and Son-in-law have just put themselves in hock for a new(ish) motorhome. 6 berth on a Merc 316 A class. Their first! Bold i say. Took me years to work up to this!



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Tony - I also seem to recall the erlier thread, to which we contributed, as we'd then recently bought two of the type that I think you are referring to.

I think the thread would have been roundabout June or July last summer.


We got ours from Carrefour here in Spain, but I think some others said they'd got the same type from a big store chain in the UK....possibly Asda?


They are the typical canvas chair-in-a-bag design, with four legs attached to the sort of metal cross under the seat so they fold up completely, but when you lean back on them, the seat back tilts back to a reclining postion and a canvas support piece between two metal poles pivots up for your legs.


Cost about 25 euros apiece over here if I recall.


In my view, excellent.

Cheap, lightweight, fold up to very small dimensions. And very comfy, either in the upright eating-outdoors at table duty, or for lying back sunbathing with a cold beer in the pocket on the armrest.





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