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Onan genny on 1991 Hymer 660


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I have the above vechile with the above genny. I am having problems starting the genny. There is plenty of fuel but the fuel is not getting to the carb. I can see the fuel filter so I know it is not getting there. Does anyone know if there is a fuel shut off valve on the fuel line?

I have read the manual but it offers no ideas. Thanks in advance.

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Unless the engine has been dismantled it can only be one of three things.


But first did it run OK last time you used it?


I know nothing of Onan but in general petrol engine terms, the first thing I would check is fuel tank venting which, if blocked, will prevent fuel flowing out of the tank.


Lack of fuel reaching the combustion chamber.


Lack of spark at the plug


Lack of compression in the cylinder.


Compression should be easy to check by ear as the engine turns over with the plug in.


Spark you can check by taking the plug out and turning the engine over with the plug lead connected to the plug, and the plug body in contact with bare metal on the engine.


Fuel should also be able to be smelt whilst the engine turns over with the plug out and the choke on and as a one off test you could pour a VERY small amount of petrol into the plug hole (or else you'll flood it) before refitting the plug. Trying to start then should at least produce a splutter or a very brief firing up or trying to run.


That should help eliminate what it ain't which in turn makes it easier to locate what it is!

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Start at the fuel tank and follow the pipe. Slakken off each union as you go and make sure fuel flows. (Don,t smoke OK!) Perhaps there is another in-line filter somewhere. Perhaps lots of things but you cannot beat having a look.

Far more likely to find the fault this way that asking us lot for inspiration!


Good luck


Oh and lastly wear some OLD CLOTHES else the ear ache will be horrendous.





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Is it a petrol or an lpg genny.

I've had trouble starting my on board lpg genny but I put that down to butane 'dregs' left over after filling bulk tank with propane, which is not 100 % pure. The dregs will not gas off in very cold temps and may block the externally routed supply pipe. I waited 'till the weather warmed a little then burnt off the small amount in the bulk tank, which probably contained a higher than normal amount of butane dregs, then filled up with autogas.

The genny has started several times ok in the recent cold spell.

Well that's my theory for what it's worth.



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Just my two pennyworth, but my husband was never able to start the mower each spring. Temper, temper.


It turned out that the fuel had ?degraded? over the winter and if he drained the tank and put in fresh fuel it started first pull. All those wasted years! Simple when you know.



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I have drained the tank and filled with fresh fuel. I have followed the fuel line from tank to where it goes into the genny box. There are no leaks and no joints. Just one pipe from the tank to the metal box. If I take the fuel inlet pipe off of the carb, fill it with fuel and put it back on it will run until it has used that fuel. The problem seems to be getting the fuel to the carb. It makes me wonder if there is a fuel cut off but the way Hymer fit them I can see no possible location for it. I think I will get an angle grinder and cut a hole in the side of my Hymer to see if I can see a problem!( only joking).
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Thank you to everyone who helped on this one. I tried all that was suggested but I got no results. I spoke to a clever mate of mine who said to let him have it for a while. Turns out the live to the fuel pump was dead, so, with some wire and scotch connecters it now works.
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