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York Show--- bird brain?

Guest Peter Lawton-Harris

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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
What bird brain organised( or is it disorganised?) the courtesy bus service from the car park to the show? A bus service where it was quicker to get out and walk which I and others did and I am disabled. Very cold and miserable on Friday. Peter
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How about some positive comments for a change Peter? Continual moaning can get a little tiresome, even from an oil baron! I know only too well how disability can make people short tempered and grumpy as a Polio victim myself. But it does not achieve anything, only drives friends away! You should have come earlier, been in less of a hurry and used your blue badge to advantage. Thursday afternoon was a challenge but our old rear wheel drive girl took on the challenge and won. Friday,s entertainment was watching those who failed the challenge! Saturday and Sunday was smashing. Met some friends, some only contacted before on the internet forum,s. Swapped a few insults (in the best possible taste of course) and consumed a modicum of beverage. Trouble free journey both going and comming back (470 mile round trip). Certainly ate too much. No doubt we will do it all again next year. Regards
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Guest Dave Bartlett
Sorry but I have to agree with Peter, the bad weather was forcast on Monday, the mud in the show itself was almost impassable for my wheelchair and the exhibitors must have lost a lot of custom on Friday and Saturday. It seemed to me that no one cared. Just another case of we have got your money now sod off. Next year we wont be going to York again
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Hi Dave, I agree that the weather caught them out big time. I was amazed how well the electric buggy,s did in that environment. The organisers did actually quite a lot. They could never however do enough! Several 4X4 vehicles and some tractors were in use. One tractor that was putting down bark chippings got a puncture and the team were running around with wheel barrows spreading the stuff while the tyre specialists were changing the tractor wheel. The coaches ferrying day visitors onto the site had problems keeping going, as did the dust carts. But the rate that vehicles were comming to the site on Thursday afternoon / Friday morning combined with the terrible weather at that time was un-sustainable. I am sure it will be different next year. Much of the mud in the show area was turfed over quite quickly and by Friday afternoon the mud had a thickish skin on top and was rolling flat. But out door shows are exactly that. I must admit I was amazed how well the ground stood up to the hammering it got. Mostly it was a very thin layer of mud lubricant on top. Would you expect the organisers to lay those metal surfaces throughout the complete exhibition area and also between it and the parking area? The only show I know where this is partly done is Hampden Court Flower Show. But tickets for this are a tad more expensive and only cover 1 day. I agree that a manually propelled wheel chair would be a very limiting factor for mobility under these circumstances. Did you see the size of the pre-booked camping area for those with blue badges, it was HUGE. The Electric buggy,s certainly worked for them. Sometimes I ask myself why we go to these crowded shows, five thousdand people sat in metal boxes in the middle of a muddy field with those bl...y generators running all over the place when the reason we bought our motorhome was to get away from people and have piece and quiet! But I suspect we will do it again next year starting at Peterborough. Nil carburundum iligitimi. Keep smiling Clive
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Hey Clive I think I've just realised what you meant when I saw you at York and you said I've been 'talking' to somebody else about the fire and I thought you meant another forum ... did you mean George Collinge by any chance? I had a really good phone chat with him not long after I put my first posting on on the subject on the forum, lovely chap that he is. Don't tell me that you were jealous?!!!!!
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
Oh dear why do people miss the point I was making. I was not refering to the show field and the mud I was refering to the coach journey from the car park to the showground.That is plain if you take the trouble to read it. Parking was allowed on both sides of the road which then reduced it to a two lane highway which ment that courtesy coaches were in a traffic jam. It became quicker to walk Next year let's have a bit of sense( I can't do it all ??)and restrict the parking to one side and leave a three lane highway with the centre one for courtesy coaches only. Before you come back to me about how this can be done take the railways as an example, on single tracks they used a small stick and whoever held it had right of way and this was handed over at the end of the journey to the next train, at either end. Simple ain't it?? After Friday's fiasco I didn't go back. Regards . Peter
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
Clive I thought my comments were positive or are you one those that did NOT read it correctly and in any case leave me and my grumpy comments alone. We get our kicks where we can. regards ( now isn't that nice of me ?) Peter
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