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FREE Low Bridge POIs for your SatNav


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I've found the following link where you can download lots of useful motorhome POIs for your SatNav device.  The FREE downloads include full instructions and a range of different POIs such as low bridges, speed bumps, truck stops, weight limited bridges etc.

They are designed for trucks but some of us could also benefit from them including the low bridges one.

The POIs are in a TomTom .OV2 format but can easily be converted to other formats using previously described software.

The downloads are in a RAR format so you'll need a copy of WinRar to open them or an up to date version of WinZip.

Get all your poi's for motorhomes from this site and they're free :-) 



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Way2Go, This is where I really show myself up, but if I don't ask I won't know, I have looked at the links and they seem really usefull, we have the tom-tom 700, but I don't know how to get them from the computer on to the tom tom, could you tell me what to do. thanks Carol.



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Hi Carol,

Not a problem, always happy to help.

From the way you've worded your reply it sounds as though you've downloaded the RAR file and unzipped it so you are now looking at the contents which is a well written Word document including installation instructions and a folder called 'Fleet & Low Bridge' which contains the POIs.

Essentially you need to open the 'Fleet & Low Bridge' folder then open the 'Low_Bridges_Data' folder then open the appropriate folder for the minimum height bridge you feel would be safe to drive under.

For instance, if your motorhome is 10ft tall you might consider a minimum comfortable height to go under would be 12ft allowing for a 2ft clearance?

To find the 12ft clearance POI open the '12ft-Down' folder and make sure you copy all THREE files for your chosen height to your device.  The .OV2 file contains the low bridge locations whilst the .BMP file is the icon which appears on the map.  The .OGG file is the spoken warning which will be triggered when there is a low bridge ahead.

You'll need to look at my previous attachments to find out how to link a POI to a warning sound.

OK, attach your device to your PC.  This may be via a docking cradle or a USB cable.  Alternatively if your data is on an SD card, and your PC has a card reader, remove the card from the device and insert it into your PC's card reader.

Open explorer and locate your device or SD card.  It should show as an additional drive (see drives picture)

Open up the TomTom folder and locate your map folder (see the folder picture) which may be something like 'Great_Britain' or 'Western_Europe'.  Paste the THREE files into the map folder and there you are.

Well, all apart from linking the sound to the POI.  If you don't have a copy or can't find it let me know and I'll re-post it.




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Way2Go you are a gem!

Haven't had a chance to look at the link yet but does it have any reference to narrow bridges? We had a serious "breath in" experience travelling from Najac to St Antonin last September, no warnings, no turnaround facility.

Thanks for all your efforts in helping us dumbos with our satnavs

Mike P

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Way2Go you are a gem!

Haven't had a chance to look at the link yet but does it have any reference to narrow bridges? We had a serious "breath in" experience travelling from Najac to St Antonin last September, no warnings, no turnaround facility.

Thanks for all your efforts in helping us dumbos with our satnavs

Mike P

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mel64 - 2008-02-11 9:52 AM Help Way2Go I have a VDO dayton 5000 the old disc type can any thing be done or am I under the bridge with no way out.

Hmmm, there is no way to add things to a CD/DVD related system and I wouldn't have a clue about the file structure.

However, there 'may' be a way around this.

If you look at the CD/DVD in explorer you need to find which folder contains the existing POIs.  On TomTom this is the map folder.  On your system that may be the same or you may have a dedicated folder (too easy!)  Anyway if you can find the locations of your existing POIs we can fudge it.

You just need to convert the 'low bridge' POIs into the same format (or I'll do it for you if you tell me the naming convention) and copy them into the same folder.

You can create a temporary folder on your PC, copy the contents of the CD/DVD into the temporary folder.  Copy the new POIs to the exisitng POI folder and reburn the CD/DVD.

It might work and then again it might not . . . but its worth the cost of a CD/DVD to find out?


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I've just down loaded a load of POI's from the links on the Best of British web site (www.bob.org.uk) via their forum once on the forum go to motorhome bit. There's all kind of stuff on there even water falls and castles!!!!. follow the www.motorhomeparking.co.uk link on th first topic and look for the POI link on that page.


Unfortunatly when down I loaded some POI's on to sat nav just come up as a red square and goblygook so not sure which is which when opening point of interests bit of sat nav to put on to maps.


does any one know how to rename and make a picture/avatar for use on the map once on the sat nav?????


I'm using a tom tom one europe version 3




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gadjo - 2008-02-11 5:58 PM Hi I've just down loaded a load of POI's from the links on the Best of British web site (www.bob.org.uk) via their forum once on the forum go to motorhome bit. There's all kind of stuff on there even water falls and castles!!!!. follow the www.motorhomeparking.co.uk link on th first topic and look for the POI link on that page. Unfortunatly when down I loaded some POI's on to sat nav just come up as a red square and goblygook so not sure which is which when opening point of interests bit of sat nav to put on to maps. does any one know how to rename and make a picture/avatar for use on the map once on the sat nav????? I'm using a tom tom one europe version 3 cheers George


Yes we're well aware of Graham's great web site and the very useful information which he has available.

Which POI did you download that gave you "a red square and goblygook?"


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by that was quick 8-)


I think I got abit carriee away and down loaded quite a few straight on to the sat nav and manily off the poihandler web site, and because of the problem of the red square and gobldygook it is difficult to say which is which now >:-(


I do know that amongst them was the caravan club CLs and farm camp site.


it will take lot of work to troll through them and identfy each but it will be worth it if this will identify them better.



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I haven't attempted to load these yet, but thanks for publishing this.


Just a note of caution - I know someone who went to France last May with a brand new motorhome. In the evening when it was dark they had the top ripped off the motorhome by scaffolding hanging down from a bridge and it wasn't shown as a hazard. They drove back Calais and drove home through the drizzle all night to Devon. It took three months before it was repaired!

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gadjo - 2008-02-11 7:08 PMby that was quick 8-) I think I got abit carriee away and down loaded quite a few straight on to the sat nav and manily off the poihandler web site, and because of the problem of the red square and gobldygook it is difficult to say which is which now >:-( I do know that amongst them was the caravan club CLs and farm camp site.it will take lot of work to troll through them and identfy each but it will be worth it if this will identify them better.
There is a similar problem to yours when you download using POIEdit. Just delete the .INF files that were downloaded with the POIs and the 'gobblegook' will magically turn into proper descriptions.
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Minstrel - 2008-02-11 7:39 PMI haven't attempted to load these yet, but thanks for publishing this. Just a note of caution - I know someone who went to France last May with a brand new motorhome. In the evening when it was dark they had the top ripped off the motorhome by scaffolding hanging down from a bridge and it wasn't shown as a hazard. They drove back Calais and drove home through the drizzle all night to Devon. It took three months before it was repaired!
STRUTH a sobering point . . . . Ouch!!
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Excellent news.

Now the icons thing.  Is this the 'red square' that you referred to earlier?

Is it just one POI or all of the ones you downloaded?

If it's just one, which one?

Can you post the icon here? (when you reply click the 'Attach a file after posting')


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the icons are the red squares referred to.


There is quite a list!!!


The Bitmap files of those POI's, which I have down loaded that dont have an icon, when clicked on have nothing to preview, unlike say the truck stop which has small truck in the middle of the screen.


Is it possible to copy and paste icons from other PIOs into those Bitmaps to make my own???


Is this making sence???

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