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Freeview/Digital TV

Keith T

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We are now using the new Proline 15" TV we purchased a few months ago on a regular basis in various parts of the country. Reception varies, even from pitch to pitch on some campsites, and we also find that we can sometimes get Freeview on our aerial, bbut not on the CC site booster system. We also find that there is sometimes a very strong signal, and other times none at all! I am sure someone out there with the technical knowledge will tell me why?

The other thing we find, on a very regular basis on Freeview, is a significant difference in speech audio from that on the picture. So much so, that at times, we've had to switch back to Analogue.....it's almost like looking at a very poorly dubbed foreign language film! Is this a regilar feature which we are going to have to put up with when trhe analogue signal is switched off - certainly is a backwards step as far as we are concerned. Again, what the cause of this? I cannot see there is anything on the TV which would control this, and in any case, it's not always like it, even on the same progrmme, it varies from the good to the very bad!

Your comments and suggestions welcome!


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From what I understand the digital signal for freeview is at present only being transmitted a reduced power until the analogue signal is switched off.

Then it is supposed to be transmitted at increased power so freeview signals should improve.

What the technical reasons for this are I do not know but no doubt someone more knowledgeable we come along and explain.

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As I understand it.

Currently Analogue is CONVERTED to Digital which takes in the region of 2 seconds. I think this is what causes the problem with speech syncronisation.

I am told that it will disappear when Analogue if fully phased out & all programmes are produced digitally.

I don't know how much of this is truth or waffle.

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As far as the CC site booster system is concerned, I believe a number of systems are used at different locations. If it is simply a booster, then if Freeview is available on the boosted transmitter, then it should be passed through. In a number of circumstances, however, the system used is not a booster, it is in effect a fully re-transmitted signal with only the analogue channels transmitted, and indeed they are sometimes moved to different channels than the incoming signal. On these systems, the Freeview is currently lost, since the system wasn't configured to retransmit the additional signals.


From memory, the signal at Culloden is in fact a satellite signal retransmiited on analogue channels! (Someone will no doubt tell me it isn't).


There is certainly an encoding delay between the digital and analogue signal, which leads to the Digital being a second or so behind Analogue, but I think you are refering to the sound being 'out of sync' with the picture on digital. I've seen this myself, though don't know the cause. Sometimes tuning off and back to the channel will fix.

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