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Struts on fixed bed


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Hi everyone


I took the mattress off our fixed bed last week so that it could air indoors. This afternoon I went out and lifted the bed frame so that I could get to the locker underneath. The frame went up and now refuses to come down again. There doesn't appear to be anything on the struts that would possibly release them, so I'm hoping that one of the fine people on the forum will know the solution. Vehicle is 2003 Ace Modena.


Regards Nick

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Guest Tracker

It is always nice to have the involvement of people who know a trick or two. but maybe such a blatant advert is not quite within the true spirit of the forum - unless Warners are charging you for it?


There are other experts in motor caravan related businesses that frequent the forum without overtly advertising and most people know, or soon learn, who they are.


These good folk, and quite rightly in my view, do benefit commercially in return for their freely given advice, time and expertise, but without the need to be so blatant.


So come on Johns Cross, applause for helping, but please - let discretion be the better part of your style.

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Tracker - 2008-02-10 7:21 PM


It is always nice to have the involvement of people who know a trick or two. but maybe such a blatant advert is not quite within the true spirit of the forum - unless Warners are charging you for it?


There are other experts in motor caravan related businesses that frequent the forum without overtly advertising and most people know, or soon learn, who they are.


These good folk, and quite rightly in my view, do benefit commercially in return for their freely given advice, time and expertise, but without the need to be so blatant.


So come on Johns Cross, applause for helping, but please - let discretion be the better part of your style.


I really don't understand what you are saying here. The man, along with many other other profesionals, is offering advice out in the open to presumably fully adult people who have generally full capacity to be discerning. Where's the harm? What is the down side?

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At least we have a dealer who appears to be taking an interest.

If he is posting on threads, he becomes aware of the problems encountered and if he can offer advise all well & good.

If a problem comes up that he is not aware of, it widens his knowledge.(and he may have access to sources not always available to M/H users.)

I prefer he is open about his background, rather that any subtifuge.


We already have Dave Newall , who operates his own M/H business, as a regular & respected contributor, who gives us very good advise.

Therefore any crack down by Warners to exclude Trade posters would be detrimental IMHO.


If this gives a Trade poster an increase in trade, so be it, for them taking showing they have an interest in their Customers and taking the inicative.


If they were to regularly give any bad advise, that also would impact their Trade.

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It is great that another 'knowledgeable' chap has joined the forum and is trying to help us lot out with our problems, and welcome to him/her.


However, I suggest that the difference between the JC chap and Dave Newell is that Dave doesn't blatantly 'advertise' his company as part of his signature with location address and phone number. For me that steps over the line into 'advertising', if it was part of the JC chap's profile I don't have a problem with that at all, then if you want the details you can go and have a shuftie, but at the moment it's a bit 'in your face'.


Just my view, you are quite entitled to have your own, differing view. :-S

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Mel B - 2008-02-10 11:16 PM


It is great that another 'knowledgeable' chap has joined the forum and is trying to help us lot out with our problems, and welcome to him/her.


However, I suggest that the difference between the JC chap and Dave Newell is that Dave doesn't blatantly 'advertise' his company as part of his signature with location address and phone number. For me that steps over the line into 'advertising', if it was part of the JC chap's profile I don't have a problem with that at all, then if you want the details you can go and have a shuftie, but at the moment it's a bit 'in your face'.


Just my view, you are quite entitled to have your own, differing view. :-S


What is the name of Dave Newell's business?

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Hi Nick, if the struts in question are gas struts (most are) then the fact that you've removed the mattress could be the answer. The struts strength should be matched to the load they are supporting. By removing the mattress you have removed most of the load. To close the bed frame down you need to impose the mass of the mattress on it plus a bit more to overcome them, this can be quite a lot of weight required to close them down without the mattress on the frame, you might even need to put your whole body wweight to the task (or more if you're slight of build :-D ).


In answer to Cronkle's question click on the www tab to the bottom left of this reply (lol) .



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