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Cruise Control


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If you live anywhere near Telford go to see Dave Newell. I travelled 95 miles each way to have mine fitted by him and the service was first class.

He can even arrange for you to stay overnight at a local site.


They make for a more relaxing journey on motorways and major roads.

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We also had cruise control fitted last year by Dave Newell. Highly recommended, he offers a professional and friendly service. Without doubt cruise control is the best accessory we've had fitted to our motorhome. We have used it whilst driving both in the UK and when touring abroad. It certainly helps to make the driving experience more pleasurable.



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I opted for a well-featured model with presets plus easy step up step down facility which acts like a hand throttle and I thoroughly recommend it. It's brilliant and over 6000 miles has performed flawlessly. It mated very well with my van's autobox too, making for a very relaxed driving experience over long distances with excellent fuel economy.


Had it fitted by Dave Newell and I considered it well worth the round trip from Surrey to his workshop near Telford.



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Basil can you please give me more info about what you fitted.


I have always domne my own maintenance and repairs except when it has been as cheap to pay as to buy special tools for a one off job.


My only concerns with fitting cruise control are the connections into the canbus/multiplex wiring although my local Citroen dealer has identified the speed sensor wire at the gearbox and where it connects into the fuse box. I have looked at Conrad Anerson purely because they could supply the "Citroen" stalk. If I decide to pay someone I will definitely choose Dave Newell because he gets the most recommendations. He was also the fastest to reply to my questions.



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The one I fitted was a Smart-Cruise SC3000 with the memo facility, this is fitted to a pre 'drive by wire ' vehicle so operates on the throttle. There are appropriate models for newer type vehicles and I would suggest that if you are to go down the DIY route that you contact Howard May for advice see




I did not purchase my unit from them origionally but they helped me and replaced a faulty control module, free of charge, when my origional supplier would not assist saying it was my installation that was faulty (it wasn't by the way it was the faulty unit), something which Howard May had no obligation to do and had had no previous conection with me, just wish I had used them in the first place and they will be my first (if not only) point of call should I need to purchase further.



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Seeing Dave just after the show for a cruise control for my new van.


I am posting this in the hope that Dave will not imbibe too freely of the alcoholic refreshments so widely available for contributors!!! I want to be sure he is in a fit shape for the start of the next week.


Only kidding.

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Took our Romahome to the local Citroen garage this week for its 10000 mile service this week and I spoke to them about Cruise Control (I know them quite well because I used to teach their Children). They had the following information - its not a lot of use to me but someone else may find it useful.

On the Citroen Picasso if it is new enough to hva a stalk at the RH side of the steering to work the radio then the ECU is probbably set up for Cruise Control and it just needs turning on and the switch fitting. (They have done a number but not all Citroen Agents will do it. To find out if it is possible all that needs to happen is for the garage to plug the car into the computer and ask the ECU. They thought that it might also be possible for other Citroens. Unfortunately it does not apply to ours because we don't have a fly by wire accelerator. The good news is that they have identified the correct wire on the speed sensor.



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