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Fiat Ducato Gearbox

Guest Ian C

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Hello again to Docted and all forum readers - Around March/April 2005 I posted a few messages on this site regarding my 51 Reg'd. Swift Sundance 590 RS Lux Motorhome that I bought for £23,500 in February 05 from a dealer. It had serious gearbox problems from day one even though the vehicle had only covered 9200 miles from new -Due to some serious health problems I have not been updating you with the progress, but in case you were wondering what has happened since - The Dealer has continually refused to accept liability or responsibility for this problem but it would not go away, so I went ahead and had the gearbox removed for examination by a Fiat dealer. They initially thought the synchromesh had failed but a mechanic found metal fragments inside the gearbox from an 'indeterminate source' and recommended a new gearbox. I had no option and had a new box and clutch fitted at a cost of £1982.31 The Dealer refused to meet any of the costs, I am currently taking him to the County Court, which is why I have never named the Dealership who advertises every month in MMM. Hopefully my health will continue to improve and I will keep you posted.
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Ian, Good luck with your pending court action. Its about time these full blown bandits called dealers had a shake up. At present a friend of mine is approaching court times to retrieve £34,000 from a dealer. My friend rejected a new van because of major problems. I intend to name and shame (if that is possible) them as soon as monies are exchanged. Regards, Wilf N
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Hi Ian Best of luck with your court case, I could myself be going down the same path. The dealers are nice as pie when selling but once there is trouble, they lack the same enthusiasm. Foxy
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Guest Will Redfearn, Wirral Motorhome Club
"I intend to name and shame (if that is possible) them as soon as monies are exchanged." Not on this site!-www.motorhome facts.com will though.
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Guest Tony Norton
Hello All I have to ask, is this site run for the benefit of MMM subscribers and purchasers, or for the advertisers? I would not have thought it unreasonable for MMM, after ascertaining the validity of claims of incompetence/dishonesty, to permit the "naming & shaming" and decline to take further advertising from that source. What say you. Tony N
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Ian Hope you get well soon; sorry to hear that the problem is still ongoing with the dealer but you are taking the right course of action. The evidence of the Fiat garage should make things go easily in court. Hopefully matters can be resoved soon and you can get on with enjoying life and the 'van. Good luck Docted
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Hi All. Thank you for your replies and some very interesting ideas! The current situation is that the dealer has applied to the Court for a one month delay (Been granted) to resolve the matter without Court action, which he could have done a long time ago had he bothered to communicate with me. He now has copies of all my evidence / statements etc. that I submitted to the Court. I have written to him (almost 2 weeks ago) asking what his proposals are to resolve it but I am still awaiting his reply - watch this space! Thanks again for your interest, Ian C
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi All, Well the situation now is the dealer made no contact with me during the period he asked the Court to delay. I rang the Court 3 days after his last day of stay to be told he submitted a request to the Court (on the last day of the stay) for a further month delay. I wrote to the Court objecting to the request on the grounds that he made no attempt to resolve the issue the first time and any second delay had to be with my consent (which I would have given had the situation been progressing) He must have had something in mind when he asked for the first delay but did not bother to tell me what it was! Anyway, a Judge has seen my objection and refused the further delay, I am now awaitng directions from the Court on where we go next, I am phoning the Court on Monday 24th for an update. Thank you all for your continuing interest. Best Wishes Ian C
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