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Stolen wheels

FranklyMy Dear

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My Duetto is parked inches away from my bedroom window of my semi-detached bungalow in a well lit suburban street. In the early hours of Saturday morning three weeks ago thieves came sneaking around and stole all four alloy wheels. Neither I nor my wife or the neighbours heard a thing. They brought a scissor jack with them, smashed the van window to get the jack from behind the drivers seat and left the vehicle perched up on the jacks, bits if crumbly concrete, and paving blocks pulled up from my drive. The local bobby & Scenes of Crime attended diligently but found nothing of any use. You can imagine the distress and hassle caused, plus £160 in insurance excess. I chose to replace with steel wheels not alloy because:-

a) Ford don't do these alloy wheels any more and I didn't fancy even more hassle finding suitable replacements, getting tyres fitted, sending off quotations to the insurers, etc.

b) I was advised that the thieves would wait until the new alloys were on, then they would return.....

No, the alarm was not set and locking nuts were not fitted. (Don't ask.) Yes, they are now.....stables & horses.

The lessons of this sorry tale are well known but will bear repeating. If the thieves really want your wheels or whatever they will do their damndest get 'em and they are very practised at it. All you can do is DETER AND DELAY as much as possible. MARK EVERYTHING so that in the (admittedly unlikely) event of your stuff being recovered you can definitely identify it.

Finally....out on a country walk today we fell into conversation with a lady who during the last year has lost her daughter (to breast cancer) and her father. Another daughter died a couple of years ago and her son-in-law is fighting kidney cancer. Puts it all in perspective, eh?



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