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fitting furniture

Guest louise & mark

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Guest louise & mark
we have just bought a mazda bongo as our first camper. the conversions usually fitted are not what we need so we thought we would have a go ourselves. we have a basic problem (which i am sure all will have good hoot at) how do we fix the furniture to the van thanks in anticipation mark & lou
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Guest David Powell
Actually you are asking this question a bit late. When anyone asks me about choosing a 'van[motor or tugger] I alwys suggest they go around the dealers & shows, sit in lots of 'vans, and pick out the "lay out" that they feel they can live with, because what you buy, is more or less what you are stuck with. My wife just had a read & said find what you like & Part ex: but that is not the anwer you are looking for is it? You are obviously good at D.I.Y. or you would not have followed the path you have. The units that are in there now are probably screwed to frames behind the ply lining. If on investigation you find this is the case, I sugest you draw up your plans to used them as your basic securing points as you know they are doing the job O.K. now. I of course don't need to say if you are re-installing gas fittings:- caution! may be get it done professionally. Insurance companies can be fussy about that,plus your own safety of course. If you read back postings there are some true hair raising tales of woe re:- GAS. Best of luck...
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Guest louise fowler
thanks for your reply. what we are buying is a mazda bongo which has nothing in it but seats. this is only a starter for us. then we will work our way up. as for the gas we plan on getting a basic gas canister cooker rather than a bottle. so no danger there. we are sill young so plenty of time yet. once again thanks for your time louise
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