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from a first timer


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We have just bought our first motorhome (8.76m) and are planning a trip to Northern Spain in May (Portsmouth - Caen route, not cheap, but very close to our home)


I have read many articles and publications, but nothing beats experience. I would appreciate any hints, tips, pitfalls or any other generally useful information about this trip and European motorhome travel in general from you "old timers".


Thanks in advance.

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You may need to give us a few clues as to what concerns you have, before we can advise on the European aspects of your trip.

However, my first comment is that you have quite a large van.  Are you accustomed to vehicles of this size?  If not, I'd say get as much practice as possible on familiar roads, and also on some unfamiliar UK roads, before taking off across France.

Second, you don't say whether you have driven much on the right.  If not, then I'd say set yourself low daily distance targets for your outward journey.  I would also suggest you don't travel too far on autoroutes after the first day, but get onto N or D roads so that you maximise your exposure to negotiating towns etc as you go.  You'll need to get used to driving your van off dual carriageway roads when you want to stop for the night, and probably when you need to visit shops.  Getting the practice in early will help to get you fully acclimatised to driving on the right.

Third point: take the van out for at least a week somewhere in UK before you set off, and use everything you think you will use while you are away.  Put the whole thing thoroughly through its paces, and make quite certain that everything is working as it should before you leave.  Do this several weeks before your intended departure date, so as to maximise time to fix any failures before you leave.  Remember, should you need spares, they aren't always as readily available as they should be.

Finally, make sure you can, or know how to, convert your headlamps for right hand traffic.

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I am intending to buy my first van in 2009 after many years of hiring. I agree with Brian about driving it in the UK first and I intend to spend most of the summer in the UK before venturing off to warmer climes. I thought it would be a good idea to settle the van in within reach of the (UK) dealer and English speaking garages as well as being able to get extras fitted before the long treck south.



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hi spencer

brian seems to have covered most if not all of the bases the only thing i would add is it is a large vehicle so take your time, find your feet and enjoy. if you are going abroard for the first time you might want to consider booking your holiday through eurocamp indpendant or select sites. i believe the caravan club do this also but i have never used them but the former will give you good advice on campsites that will accomodate a van as large as yours, not all sites will have pitches big enough.

hope this helps

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Guest JudgeMental

Welcome to the forum Spencer!


Nortern Spain can be quiet wet out of season but it is a great destination


(8.76m) I am intrigued - what is it? an RV?

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Guest Le Thou
JudgeMental - 2008-02-19 12:19 PM


Welcome to the forum Spencer!


Nortern Spain can be quiet wet out of season but it is a great destination


(8.76m) I am intrigued - what is it? an RV?




Even Northern Spain can be quite wet as well as. Sometimes noisy

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Experience cannot be beaten, the first time I ever drove abroad, I picked up a UK Transit at Fornebu Airport (Norway) drove down the ramp, on the right, (that was OK but it rapidly deteriorated), I turned left at the bottom after crossing the traffic light line (lights at red) and into the taxi lane (no private vehicles allowed). All with the Norwegian police watching me, as they passed by, shaking their heads, I signed a thankyou to them and to St Christopher. I've been OK since then, thankfully. Setting off in the morning and roundabouts are areas of common failure, also watch the side roads when you're not on a yellow diamond road.


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Guest JudgeMental
Le Thou - 2008-02-19 12:36 PM


JudgeMental - 2008-02-19 12:19 PM

Welcome to the forum Spencer!

Nortern Spain can be quiet wet out of season but it is a great destination

8.76m) I am intrigued - what is it? an RV?


Even Northern Spain can be quite wet as well as. Sometimes noisy


So this is how your get your jolly’s is it, scrutinising the site for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.....


get a life you stupid man.




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Guest Le Thou
JudgeMental - 2008-02-19 2:38 PM


Le Thou - 2008-02-19 12:36 PM


JudgeMental - 2008-02-19 12:19 PM

Welcome to the forum Spencer!

Nortern Spain can be quiet wet out of season but it is a great destination

8.76m) I am intrigued - what is it? an RV?


Even Northern Spain can be quite wet as well as. Sometimes noisy


So this is how your get your jolly’s is it, scrutinising the site for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.....


get a life you stupid man.



Oh shut up you TART ! It's called a sense of humour you stupid little fat man, we can all call names, grow up

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Guest JudgeMental
Le Thou - 2008-02-21 10:21 AM


JudgeMental - 2008-02-19 2:38 PM


Le Thou - 2008-02-19 12:36 PM


JudgeMental - 2008-02-19 12:19 PM

Welcome to the forum Spencer!

Nortern Spain can be quiet wet out of season but it is a great destination

8.76m) I am intrigued - what is it? an RV?


Even Northern Spain can be quite wet as well as. Sometimes noisy


So this is how your get your jolly’s is it, scrutinising the site for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.....


get a life you stupid man.



Oh shut up you TART ! It's called a sense of humour you stupid little fat man, we can all call names, grow up



Your a piece of work, if your intentions were humorous you need to learn some etiquette and learn how to use the emoticons column on the left.


but I have observed the quality and nastiness of your previous postings, so very much doubt that your reasons where at all humorous....




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Guest JudgeMental
J9withdogs - 2008-02-21 2:18 PM


Gentlemen - PLEASE!


This is a thread from a newbie - what sort of impression of this forum are you guys giving him ?


If you have a disagreement, can't you do in private via the PM facility? >:-(


Please Janine, don't wish that on me! lol


and it was not me who disrupted the thread....


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