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Full-time insurance.


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Sorry if this has been covered before but I've just found myself in a diddly of a pickle and wonder if you good folks can help.


For the past 3 years I've been permanently employed as the Manager of a large caravan park, living in a bungalow that comes with the job. A couple of weeks ago, the wife anounced that she was leaving me 8-) . It came as a great shock and I'm still not really sure why. The park owners have been brilliant to me during all this and have said that I can keep working here as long as I want to as a warden but they will need to get a live-in replacement for my "old" position so the only place I have to live is my motorhome.


As I will soon no longer be the registered occupant of the bungalow, (of no fixed abode), how do I get insurance for the 'van? A contact adress is no problem as my parents in Yorkshire have said they'll do whatever they can to help.


If anyone can help with info, it would be much appreciated.

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Others will correct me I am sure, but if the M/home is registered with you as owner at your parents address and the insurance is also "registered"at that address, I would have thought that living it it full time would not be a problem.


Travelling full time might be though, but how an Insurnace company knows the difference , I don't know


SAGA website for M/homes http://www.saga.co.uk/finance/motorhome/index.asp


quote "Cover in Europe

We will cover your motorhome while you are travelling in the EU at no extra cost, all year round."


I do not know if what it implies is what it means, but might be worth a try.






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Any insurance broker (now called intermediaries) that specialises in motorhome insurance will insure you for year round use in the UK. I suggest you spend an hour or so ringing round all those who advertise in MMM and ask if their cover provides for full-time use in the UK It's also woth asking if they insure your type and value of motorhome as not all insure all types. Most have 0800 numbers for sales - if they only have premium rate numbers such as 087 numbers, then don't ring them. Then gtake it from there to decide who to ask for quotes.


Companies that are known to be leaders in the motorhome insurance market include Comfort, Safeguard, Caravan Guard to name three, but any that advertise every month in MMM are worth a try.


Mel E


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