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How to clean inside of motorhome.


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I have just purchased an older dethleffs as a first time motorhome driver. The fabric while not tatty looks a bit dated and dull. The interior of the van also has a rather musty smell. The covers are removable. I am wondering if drycleaning them would help. Perhaps there is another way of freshening up the fabric. I am more concerned about the musty smell. I am considering putting a few scatter cusions and this would brighten up the van for the first year. Any ideas re freshening up the van would be appreciated. Also there are some plastic transfers on the window, it is painful to remove them. I tried today, used hot water and a hairdryer, very slow, any ideas please ? (?)
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Welcome Shawnee


Dry cleaning should certainly help with the seat fabric, it will make it much fresher and cleaner but don't expect miracles. If you think the material is okay for normal washing try that first - just use a low temperature so it doesn't shrink, or hand wash it, preferably use on of the 'colour fast' type of washing powders so you don't bleach the colour out of it. You'll probably find that just doing this helps it enormously. It could also be that the seat cushions themselves need a good clean and/or airing.


I'm rather more concerned about the musty smell you have, are you SURE it's not damp? Did you do a good check inside, ie get right up into the corners of cupboards, lockers, seat bases etc to make sure there wasn't anything lurking in there, like damp or staining? If indeed it is NOT a damp problem and is just because it has not been used much, then giving it a good airing for a few hours with the windows wide open, will freshen everything up, open all the cupboard doors, remove all the seat cushions and anything else you can to allow a good flow of air around the van.


Don't be tempted to use the 'Febreeze' type of stuff on the materials etc, it only 'masks' the smell, it doesn't actually make it go away or get to the root of the problem. Much better to sort it property rather than having it coming back again and again.


As for the transfers, it depends on what they are and how they are attached. you could try scraping them off with and old credit card (it shouldn't mark the plastic windows) but I fear you may have to continue with the good old hairdryer. Don't be tempted to use any chemicals on the windows though as although many products are fine at first they can cause major discolouring, clouding or even crazing of the plastic over time and you don't want to have to pay out for a new set of windows.

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:-D Thanks for your advice, i am pretty sure that there isn't leaks or dampness in the van, i had a good look through it. Didn't think about opening cupboards etc, so this is probably a good idea. Will give it a good airing as it really hasn't been used much in past two years. Thanks for advice about fabreze and stuff like that.

Thanks for your swift reply.

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I would take them to a dry cleaners if I were you as they could shrink even with a delicate wash!! and if you can lift the carpets Id wait for a good day take them out a good hoovering and shampoo, they wouldnt be expensive to replace even you can get remnants cheap enough. Wash the curtains and wash round with a good cleaner and disinfectant and you will have a new van.
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If the cushions are used for the bed, have a look underneath as there will probably be black mould staining from the moisture from bodies sleeping on them. You could also take off the covers and wash the foam as it will probably smell musty.
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If you bought from a dealer, he really should have carried out a damp check before selling.  I'm sure he'll have carried one out before he bought the van into stock. 

If you didn't get one at the time you bought, I'd suggest you have one carried out as soon as possible, just in case.  Rather than take it back where you bought it, take it to a different, independent, motorhome dealer who will have no interest in the outcome.  That will establish a basis for any conversation you may need to have with the seller.  If it was a private purchase, same applies, but you'll have no comeback against the seller. 

However, don't take the chance, and don't delay, a little damp goes a long way in a motorhome, and does expensive damage quite quickly.  If it tests out OK you'll get peace of mind, and if it doesn't, you'll know about it before it gets expensive to fix.

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Also give the waste tank a good flush out with a tank cleaner or discenfectant, I just use bleach but believe you are not supposed to as it will attack stainless steel but is ok for a short time and if you rinse it off.

The musty smell could also be coming from the waste pipes if the plugs have not been put in basins. AGain if putting bravh dowem plastic basins rinse it of the basin. For the loo only use mild soap to clean or properietary cleaner for thetfords etc.


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Hi Shawnee, Talk to your local "ChemDry" man and see what he has to say. I always have my vans done by "ChemDry Red Dragon", as they are always "pre loved"& a bit tatty. Gets rid of all the dirt, smells, bugs, and anything else that is unpleasant. Perhaps they don't all do it, but i'm lucky as my local "ChemDry" man is my son-in-law, and a caravanner too. www.chemdry.co.uk. is their general website. It will be in your phone book. Although "ChemDry" is an international company, locally they are franchises, and indevidually managed ( pardon my spelling ) all wrong I expect. Sorry but I don't know the price, I get mine free. The cleaning is all done by machines, they do fire and flood damage cleaning to capets and upholstery as well as buildings etc, so have got all the good gear. Their www also finds your local ChemDry Company for you........Cheers David.
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Hi Shawnee, just reading through your thread, I would take the covers to the Dry Cleaners rather than have them done in situ, they will have a good deep clean (ask them to spot clean them) before they go into the cleaning machines, when you get them home if possible let them air for a couple of days before you put them back in your van, be cause no matter how well they are dry cleaned if it is heavy material will be better for airing as a motohome is quite a confined space (I ran my own dry cleaning business for 25 years) so do have a clue what I am talking about.


If you have any cushions with the van renew the insides not expensive and will be much fresher. Then just good common sence everything washed and cleaned and given a good airing, and providing you do not have a damp problem, should be nice and sweet for the season ahead of you. Happy Motorhomeing. Carol.

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:-D Thanks for the wd40 idea, I have a can in the garage and it is a most versatile product. I spent two hours moving one teddy bear from the side window and the residue is still there !!! that was with a hairdryer, so I am willing to try something else , I will let you know how I get on.

Thanks Carol , will give the ones I think would benefit from drycleaning a go also.

Love your moto on what to bring with me and I have all three ready and at hand (coincidence , I don't think so)




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