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Where to sell spares.


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Does you local paper do free ads under a certain price? Ours does it for items under £100 and we've managed to sell a lod of stuff that way. On the paper's website they also have a 'Stuff for Sale' free ad site as well and there's no limit on how much you can sell stuff for and you get one free photo as well as lots of text space. Again, we've found this a great way to clear stuff and also to see stuff to buy!


Failing that, if you've got stuff to give away, don't forget your local charity shops, they will take most items so long as they aren't broken or dangerous. For electrical items, Oxfam will usually take them as they PAT test them before selling on. Finally, see if your area has a 'freecycle' site, it's part of Yahoo, and is great for giving away lots of bits and pieces that somebody just might want that don't particularly have much value but are too good to throw away.


Again for stuff to give away, you could try a local Scout group to see if they want any of the bits.

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