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Frozen up last weekend


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We spent last weekend at the C & CC site at Oxford.  The temperature dropped to around -8 according to the warden but we were toasty as I left the heating on overnight.

I was surprised though that the water stopped running from the tap (pump was still running) and water refused to drain from the wash hand basin.

I thought all new motorhomes were 'winterised' so this didn't happen?

I appreciate both tanks are slung underneath so exposed to the elements somewhat but I thought a thick poly tank might resist minus zero temperatures.

How do you hardy souls who go skiing get on?




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Went to the NEC show yesterday and enquired at CAK tanks about insulated tanks for our Duetto. He told me they don't supply insulated tanks only insulation wrap for tanks that they sell by the metre and they advised me to use ordinary pipe lagging for all the exposed filler and waste pipes. Hope this helps.


Visit www.caktanks.co.uk for more info if needed.


ps thanks for the GPS info.


Ian :-)

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We were also away last week, we stayed on a CL (in the tiny hamlet of Roseacre, Lancs if you're interested).


On the morning of departure, the fresh water emptied no probs but the waste was frozen, despite having shower water & washing up water flow into the tank.


No, I haven't worked it out yet either 8-)



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handyman - 2008-02-21 4:29 PM have they improved the oxford campsite yet? I wrote and complained (like a grumpy old man) to them about how the toilet block was worn out, and they said they were refurbing it this winter, so should be done? PS, that second picture is quite 'arty'

We were met by "You were lucky to get in we should be closed".  I didn't bother to answer as we'd booked last November.

Apparently the much needed work is due to start soon which is not before time.

Its a great location isn't it and perfect for Oxford, particularly right opposite the park and ride but oh the wardens.

We were lectured to and spoken to like a couple of naughty children and made to feel like "well didn't EVERYONE know that tch, tch".  I think it was 'just their way' and we found the whole thing hysterical and both kept laughing out loud for the next hour or so.

Our booking said 'on grass' so as they 'appeared' to be very quiet we asked for a hard standing.

"We're FULLY booked" she snapped and "Well, you didn't EXPECT to park on the grass at this time of year did you?" . . . . .

"Err, no . . . sorry to have been so stupid.  What was I thinking."

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We went away last weekend to a birthday 'rally' with our microcar buddies, unfortunatley on the Friday night only 3 units had turned up! Us, our friend Mark and his girlfriends cousin in a little Fiat Amigo type camper, our mate Jim (who was 50 a few days before my husband earlier this month), who was staying in a trailer tent! 8-) And us in our lovely camper. It got down to at least -5 on Friday night.


On the Saturday it was cold but at least it was sunny. Several of our friends turned up in their micro cars and other forms of transport and we had a lovely trip out into York to see the Cold War Bunker (English Heritage), fascinating place - can recommend you all to have a visit! Anyway, back at the campsite there was a lovely sunset (first piccy below) then people departed and we were left ... just us and our mate Jim!!! Shame, as he'd actually baked a birthday cake for us all to share. To cut it short, we deciced to go and have a meal in the pub and then call it quits, I don't think he fancied spending an even colder night in the trailer tent especailly as his gas had given up the ghost (butane - he didn't know about propane). We enjoyed what we got up to and to be hones it must've got very cold on the Saturday night as we were a bit chilly even at home in bungalow.


On Sunday we went for a potter on the fields across from us and I took my nice new camera and had a spot of practice, these are the results. The stick was completely bare, it is all little icicles and frosty bits!





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We went away sunday and monday night - a dry run for the skiing holiday next month. We knew there was not much gas in one of the bottles, that one ran out during the early morning - I sent him out in his pyjamas to change it over. Next day the second bottle was empty! We forgot that the habitation check would have needed some gas. Anyway, we're pleased 'cos we can get two new bottles to keep us nice and warm in France.


The canal near Devizes was partly frozen over. The site was good and the wardens very cheerful.


Loved the pictures!

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Me Lord


It was problably frozen water in the length of pipe which runs from the waste tank to the drain tap which prevented draining. Hot water put into the tank would not circulate into the pipe and melt the ice..


John, can't argue with what you say, but I'm still puzzled as to why the fresh water didn't freeze as well. Not complaining though..



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We went away last week, wed-sun, started at Southend then Clacton,Frinton and ended up a Cherry Hinton site in Cambridge.

minus 9 according to the warden, didn't freeze up, but paid a nocturnal visit and turned the water heater and the heating on. wouldn't usually do that but it was so cold.


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LordThornber - 2008-02-22 9:17 AM
JohnP Me Lord It was problably frozen water in the length of pipe which runs from the waste tank to the drain tap which prevented draining. Hot water put into the tank would not circulate into the pipe and melt the ice..
John, can't argue with what you say, but I'm still puzzled as to why the fresh water didn't freeze as well. Not complaining though.. Martyn

But it did.  He said (above) "the water stopped running from the tap".

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breakaleg - 2008-02-22 10:31 AM


We went away last week, wed-sun, started at Southend then Clacton,Frinton and ended up a Cherry Hinton site in Cambridge.

minus 9 according to the warden, didn't freeze up, but paid a nocturnal visit and turned the water heater and the heating on. wouldn't usually do that but it was so cold.




Hi Pete

We were at the Cherry Hinton CC site last week too, we were in an Autosleeper Duetto next to the American RV. My OH registered the temperature as -8 at 7.15am the gas was fine but did have problems with the water pump but it was fine later on in the day.

Like you we kept the water heater on an also a small oil filled radiator on low just to keep the chill off.

We had to use the water at the toilet block on Sunday morning as the one nearby was frozen.

Have some great photos of the patterns on our van too may get round to posting them sometime.

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It really gets up my nose the attitude of some of these Wardens I always feel like saying "Your lucky we bother or you would be out of a JOB"


We actually left the C&CC after 15 years it is about time they dropped this Camp Warden attitude and I dont mean Holiday Camp!!


The last time we were at Oxford they warned us not to leave anythin outside as they had had reports of things going missing! we didnt care for the entrance either.

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Jana - 2008-02-22 9:36 PM


breakaleg - 2008-02-22 10:31 AM


We went away last week, wed-sun, started at Southend then Clacton,Frinton and ended up a Cherry Hinton site in Cambridge.

minus 9 according to the warden, didn't freeze up, but paid a nocturnal visit and turned the water heater and the heating on. wouldn't usually do that but it was so cold.




Hi Pete

We were at the Cherry Hinton CC site last week too, we were in an Autosleeper Duetto next to the American RV. My OH registered the temperature as -8 at 7.15am the gas was fine but did have problems with the water pump but it was fine later on in the day.

Like you we kept the water heater on an also a small oil filled radiator on low just to keep the chill off.

We had to use the water at the toilet block on Sunday morning as the one nearby was frozen.

Have some great photos of the patterns on our van too may get round to posting them sometime.


we were just to the left of the wardens office, (down in the dip) but only stopped the one night before returning home. (bummer)


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We were out too, but no problems with the frost. Several "tuggers" on the site though woke up to frozen water barrels and pipes. We saw several sheep in the next field with frost on their coats too so it must have been cold.


I have heard that fixing polistyrene tiles or bubble wrap to the tanks, if you can get access to them, helps keep the tanks from icing up and you can get that grey piping insulation for all the other twiddly bits.


I was told last week at the NEC that apparently the specification for vans doesn't cover actual insulation but the heating system on board. Class 2 means that at zero degrees your heating can maintain an ambient temp of 20 degrees in your van. Class 3 goes down to -15 and still keeps the 20 degree temp. The term "winterisation" just means your van will have inboard tanks and the pipes lagged. Some German vans also have heaters in the storage spaces under the vans and thicker flooors. Autotrail do thermostatic heaters for inside their water and waste tanks so you don't need them to be inboard.


From reading the spec. of their vans the E560 does have class 3 heating and thick floors, so as far as "winterisation" goes you're nearly there!



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