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rescue services


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I was looking at the cost of my green flag and red pennant rescue services for the coming year and wondering if there is not a cheaper option available somewhere. I would like a service which covers all europe and the UK at a cheaper cost. Does anybody know of sych a service?
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Your best bet is likely to be to buy your breakdown cover as a "bolt on" to your van insurance. 

For example, Comfort insurance, who advertise in MMM, provide insurance with Norwich Union, with an RAC breakdown "bolt on" that is almost as comprehensive as the full RAC Recovery Europe.  There is no restriction as regards age or size of your van, and the territory covered is virtually the whole of Europe West of the Urals.  The additional cost of the cover, in mid 2007, was £55, and the breakdown terms and conditions are written into the main policy document, which is itself clearly written and well laid out.  The insurance policy premium is reasonably competitive as well, but it is the combination of insurance plus breakdown cover costs that make it attractive.  Added to this, Comfort are one of a small bunch of specialist motorhome insurers, so know and understand our requirements.

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RAC Arrival via the CCC costs more but there is no size limit and it also covers the holder whilst using any other vehicle as well, which can be handy if you have two or three vehicles.


A second driver can also be added in case you use more than one vehicle at a time.


That's only for the UK as RAC continental cover is a horrendous price.

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Rac do our warranty they can recover us obviously abroad on our warranty but it only has a year to run . When I enquired as to what we do after they didnt want to know sighting the fact that it is 38what ever and its to big ????? am I going daft in my old age . So they can recover on warranty 38 but not when the warranty runs out ? weird same with the AA and green flag . :-(

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These recovery firms 'do a deal' with the makers in which they get all the vans they make - which happens to include the biggies that they are not really geared up for - so when the one year is up they quickly either back away or overcharge to discourage you from staying.


Not that I am cynical!


That's when insurance related schemes or RAC Arrival comes in handy.

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Brian Peters - 2008-02-27 1:04 PM


dear michele, i have taken out recovery with the RAC and they will pick up any size of vehicle.



Brian thankyou .

I also have the RAC on warranty but you will find they dont seem to want to know after that ABROARD ... thats what we need .ts ok to get recovered at home evne thats a prob really but its a big no in a foreign place. Sorry you're 38 ton. :-(

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When I first got my m/home, checked all the firms for Overseas recovery, and only one that would give cover was Brittania, due to the size.

OK, so that was 3 yrs ago. And at that time all the Insurers were horrendously expensive until I tried CIS. Much better priced.

I would hazard a guess now, that as I have some m/home experience I could negotiate some improved deals, but went to a fleet insurer, and saved a packet there for 5 vehicles, but they don't do recovery, so staying with Brittania.

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Last year whilst the 'van was still under Fiat warranty and automatically covered by AA I had to have a recovery in France. The AA fulfilled their obligation without a murmur.


The 'van is now out of warranty and I have gone back to Brittania Rescue with whom I have been with for years and know that their service is second to none and one of the cheapest.


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