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Least Used Accessories

Mel E

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What do YOU think are the accessories that lots of motorhomers buy and then don't use?


My vote (in no particular order) goes to:


- safari rooms

- folding bikes.


Both are for sale in numbers in the small accessories ads in MMM. But I bet YOU swear by your's don't you?


Mel E


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Not me Mel - never had either as I see them both as five minute wonders!


How about 'portable' BBQs?


Wind breaks?


Outside showers?



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Our Safari room gets used every times we go to shows.


Least used (never used) is a mesh fish holder thinkey to cook fish over the barby. Its still shiny metal! Should have used it last week, wife cooked mackerel in the oven at home and a week later we still have the smell hanging around! Shan't do that again in a hurry!.





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Generators? is my guess for No 2, but in No 1 position I guess wheel chocks. (not ramps, but the chocks that go with them)

I use mine a lot, but never seen anyone else using them, even in parts of Europe where you are required to by law.






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my least used accessory would be the 12volt k.o. gas alarm that i bought, ive never even plugged it in yet. the only reason i bought the thing was because we were traveling to france just after the reported gas attacks on lorry drivers, its fair to say i think i panicked,lol


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And almost forgot the inverters that I bought a few years ago, tested and never used since ( but the 300w one is in the van just in case). So well and truly unused that I forgot they were there.

Inverters, the must have I bought due to reading too many forums :-(

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Yep! got to also admit the oven could maybe be better of replaced with a low wattage micro wave, but the oven does get used a lot...for extra storage. The shower - ours is brilliant and gets used a lot, but what is useless is the shower curtain - waste of time.
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Hi Usinmyknaus

Has yours got a fiamma awning fitted which when opened out prevents the habitation door from fully opening because the door hits the awning arm.

Makes the awning virtually useless because you have to have the roof horizontal to get the door fully open. Haven't the dealers realised that this happens?

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Most used is our Fiamma awning,



continuously winding it in and out at every change of wind!! :-D :-D :-D


Seriously we use ours all the time but we do double peg, use the supplied stiffening rafter and use the tie down, not had any problems.

Unable to think of an item that we do not use at all but probably the seat swivles are the least used, particularly the drivers as it is so much hassle to turn with the steering wheel in the way.



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Hi John P. Yes, I've got the same problem. There is only an inch or two clearance between the top of the door and the awning canister. I think the necessity of having the awning almost horizontal when open has made it much more vulnerable to wind damage, hence my strong concerns about the durability of the awning on the Fiamma thread and why I am reluctant to use it in other than calm conditions. I expect it's a compromise for the manufacturers between making a low profile van with a tall enough habitation door. As this is my first van I did not spot the now obvious flaw in mating the Fiamma to the Knaus. Given my frequent periods of banishment to cook outside in all weathers, a usable awning would be a real boon!


Bob :-D

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Nice one Bas. Is it your experience that the bracing rafter increase's the awning's ability to survive stronger winds please? If it does, I'll buy one. I was tempted when I ordered the extra tie down kit but did not want to shell out more money without knowing that it worked.


I need all the help I can get, the rain keeps messing up my stir-fries.



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Only solution I can see to the awning/door problem is to have the awning mounted higher possibly meaning special brackets, assumming it is not already mounted as high as it will go. Not very practical to keep raising awning up every time you want to open, or close the door.

Other possibiliy depending where door is, is to fit a much shorter awning, not as good, but at least would give you a practical shelter for your cooking.


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