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LPG in Spain (Again)

Guest Don Madge

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Guest Don Madge
This was posted on the Motorhome List by Dave Burley of Motorhome Facts. "Hi all, sorry for the delay in catching up and reviving this old thread, but I recently filled my MTH fitted LPG tank at two stations in Spain, the former was a Large 8 pump dedicated LPG station just outside of Barcelona, and the second was at a 2 pump station on the N332 outside of Alicante (Only one pump was useable as the other was dedicated to taxis only) On both cases no certification was asked for, no paperwork needed. I simply pulled up, inserted the required adapter and filled up, paid and left :)" It sounds like the LPG situation in Spain is getting better. This must be good news all round. Safe travelling Don
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Guest Colin Hamilton
Don, We had our Hymer fitted with refillable bottles and have found it difficult in Spain, but doable. As you say, the rule about taxis only is now over and although not many stations stock it (Repsol only I believe), we have managed. We have left our motor home in Malaga and flown back for Christmas, and are in the middle of a gap year touring Europe, so LPG is a great option! Colin
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  • 2 weeks later...
Regarding LPG in Spain. There are half a dozen LPG outlets along the Costa's. I know of 3 in Barca. but I've been told the Alacanti outlet is no longer. I have Refillable tankes bought at the Stratford show last year. One 20L & one 10L. As I am based in Palamos it is quicker to drive up to France to get LPG. I have now stored the bottles (Kevlar type have I spelt that correctly?) & use Spainsh exchange bottles. The regulators that fit the bottles are about 16€ each & fit onto my truma duomatic system on my Hymer. Any Help?
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