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No show deals

Guest Elaine

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SHOW DEALS ??(4) — Elaine — 27/09/2005 20:22:57 Just returned from York show in the process of research before we buy.Brownhills had same hymer motorcaravan at show which we had previously seen in one of their showrooms we visited in June.The salesman stated then that great deals were to be had at the York show however,the same van had the same price tag as in the showroom. When we enquired about the price on windscreen we were told that was the deal nothing less. We travelled quite a distance to visit Brownhills and thought they were genuine,now very apprehensive to buy from them at all.Is this because they have the monopoly on hynmer sales,we were very keen on hymer may have to rethink.
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Dealers will make all they can. Hymer is cheapest if purchased on the continent. We though the same re Hymer but in the end (8 years back) purchased an Autotrail from Brownhills with which we are well pleased. But then the Hymer agent was Maddisons and they were terrible! Don,t forget, they want your money more than you want that motorhome!
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Elaine, go for the hymer they are very good. We looked at Brownhills, but in the end bought from a private individual. The risk is small because the seller has to be honest in their dealings. Good luck.
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Guest Dave Bartlett
My advice for what its worth, and I speak from experience, whatever you do dont buy from Brownhills, no good deals, no after sales, and with Hymer you can buy for less, just look on the internet.
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Personally, I have never much liked Hymers but I recognise that many do. So if you want one less expensively, you have four choices: 1. Buy from Brownhills (who now own Maddisons) or one of their authorised dealers. 2. Buy used in the UK privately. 3. Buy from one of the several 'grey' importers in the UK (see the MMM Classifieds). 4. Buy on the Continent, in either Belgium or Germany, where you will save lots of dough for not a lot of effort. If you are prepared to wait, you can even have a new Right Hand Drive model. If I was a potential Hymer buyer, I would choose option 4 and then write to me at 'Mel E Fact Sheet' c/o the MMM Editorial Address, for a copy of my very detailed Fact Sheet on how to find, buy and then import your money-saving motorhome. Just enclose a C5 or larger SAE and a cheque for at least £5 payable to my favourite charity, MacIntyre Care, which looks after children and adults with severe learning difficulties. (You'll save several thousand pounds, so a small contribution will be welcomed!)
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