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Ford remis blind rattle "Cure"


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Hi all I know there was a thread about the rattling remis blinds but I cannot find it, so started a new one.


I have managed to pretty much cure my rattles, so I will post my cure here in the hope it may help some other poor now deaf soul.


When I got round to examining my door blind I noticed a piece of what looked like velcro at the bottom of the plastic recess where the blind retracts to for travelling.


My thoughts were yes that would probably work but needs to go further up the recess.


I had already bought 5 mts of heavy duty velcro for another job and had plenty left over.


The velcr is 50mm wide and I cut strips approx 50mm x 20mm. These I then inserted into the recess. It's a bit of a fiddle especially on the outside.


I haven't gone all the way up just where I thought it would be necassary and near where the metal bracket slides rest.


It would be asier if you take the whole blind of the door, but I have found that mine has quitened down with just the bits I managed to get in.


I hope I have explained it well enough.



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