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Rear Seat Belts

Guest Jackie

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We have recently bought an auto sleeper talbot executive 1992 motor home. We would love to take our two grandsons away in it with us but need to have two more seat belts fitted. Does anyone have any info on this please. Kind regards Jackie
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Fixing seat belts in has to be done according to regulations set by leguislation. You should ask Auto Sleepers as its probably only they who have the documentation to support such seat belts in their vehicles - if anybody does. Good luck
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Hi Jackie, would be very interested to know how you get on with this problem. We have the same van and always insist that any passengers sit immediately behind the driver and passenger seats as we feel this is the safest place for unsecured passengers as they could not be thrown forwards in a head on colision.
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Seat belts must be attached to a frame that is bolted firmly to the chassis (or, using spreader plates, to the floor of a van conversion). This is because they must handle huge deceleration G-forces in a collision. Seat belts in racing cars are rated to 60G - that's 60 times the force of gravity. Even a normal, survivable road accident can create instant deceleration forces of 10G or more, turning the weight of an adult into a three-quarter ton missile. Thus sideways facing seats are useless and rear facing ones - which legally only need to have lap belts - are also useless unless the seat backs are strong enough to withstand such forces. If they are not then the seat back will collapse under the 3/4 tonne load and the occupant becomes a missile forwards into the rear of the driver and front passenger seats. Sorry if this sounds a bit macrabre, but better know it now than . . .
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Guest Ann Burt
It is a long time since we needed their services, but there was a company called the In Car Safety Company in Milton Keynes who were extremely helpful in advising us about fitting seat belts and child seats in our motorcaravan at a time when local garages were not interested because the law did not require rear seat belts even in cars at that time. They even had a mail order loan system for baby seats then, but I have no idea if the company is still in existence.
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