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Help with Short term motorcaravan insurance


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I am looking into renting out my motorcaravan to family and close freinds for a few weeks a year. This is to help with its running costs. The only problem so far is how to insure it. My own policy specifically excludes it and there is no space for additional drivers anyway. Can anyone help? ideally I would like to be able to buy a short term policy that covered the hire peiod only but have so far failed to find anything - what do others do? Thanks Q
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Some insurers will add drivers, some won't. David clearly thinks his won't - and anyway, the "hire and reward" bit would be an issue for most of them. I had enough trouble getting a motorhome insured to use for work (and paid through the nose!) - I shudder to think of the response if I'd mentioned the "H" word!


(You'd think insurers would adopt a more "can-do" approach - after all, they're good at calculating risks - and then adding some. If I was a motor underwriter, I'd make it a point of pride that I'd insure anyone in any legal vehicle for any legal purpose - FOR A PRICE. Instead our insurance industry seems intent on flogging loads of mass-produced policies, and simply declines any business that's in any way "non-standard.")


David, your best bet might be to get a good broker to do the searching for you. There must be SOMEONE out there who wants to do business with you.



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