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Plastic bottles?


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I'm just loading up the van with cooking basics.


To save having 'chinking' glass bottles of oil, vinegar etc., I'm thinking of decanting into small plastic mineral water bottles.


Has anyone had any problems with tainting or contents attacking the plastic?


Manufacturers still us glass for most condiments, is there a reason for this?

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Just to put the other side, there is scientific research that shows the plastic out of which bottles are made contains a chemical which can slowly leach into the contents. While it doesn't affect taste or smell, it is a substance well documented as one of the causes of lowering male sperm counts.


Mel E


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I've been decanting oil etc into plastic bottles for years, much safer and lighter as well. Do the same with powdered drinks such as drinking chocolate, pickles, ketchup & sauces. Basically just about anything that's in a glass jar or bottle, I put into a plastic one. Even if some stuff isn't in a glass jar or bottle, I'll often put some in a smaller container or tub so that I don't have to take away a large container, for example, margarine - I just put a sufficient amount in a tub, same with gravy granuales, I like to have a 'selection' so I keep the plastic tubs that vitamin tablets come in (food grade plastic) as these are just a nice size for bits and pieces, as well as being air tight so the contents keep okay. By doing this it means I have more room in the fridge and cupboards etc for other goodies! Plus if one accidentally falls out of the cupboard they won't scatter their contents or break anything on the way down!!!


I re-pot a smaller amount of pickles, such as Branston, beetroot, relishes, sauches etc, which then keep in the fridge in one larger plastic container then when we want anything I just grab the box, we use what we want and then put the box back, it saves a lot of grovelling around in the fridge, especially when in the height of summer and you want to keep the door closed as much as possible.



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Id better start raiding the recycling bag then!! but it,ll have to be decent plastic I dont fancy cleaning up olive oil from a split bottle!! I suppose jams and such could go into the white vitimin tubs! any other handy container tips ladies.?
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Re Mel E's reply, apparently some of the substances that leach out of plastics can also cause cancer, weather large enough amounts leach out to actualy cause cancer I don't know. Note also that different plastics are used for different substances, apparently a lot of trial and error went on until the answer for the humble plastic milk container was perfected
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The other advantage is a considerable saving in weight......we also try to but wine in 3litre cartons, and just keep one glass bottle (although plastic would probably do!) so that we can decant into it and keep in fridge or use on the table!We've also decided when we come back from France eash year that we shall mainly bring cartons rather than boxes as the weight saving there is hure, as well as a considerable space saving.
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As a belt and braces job I always place bottles in plastic boxes so that if one leaks it is contained witin the box. The boxes I use are from "Crackers for Cheese" type so do not cost anything. The whole box of ingredients can be lifted out when cooking either in the van or outside barbecue.
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For over 30 years we have been placing glass bottles and jars into cut down soft drink or similar bottles to protect from damage, leaking and rattles.


It's free and it works and if you get the right size plastics they take up very little extra space.


If you are paranoid enough you can fit several plastic bottles into a larger plastic container and then everything has it's own guaranteed storage place!

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For the past few years I have followed your advice, Rich.


However, I have only got small, overhead cupboards for storing food. (unless I use the awkward to access under-bed storage)


Being vertically-challenged I find it difficult to re-locate the glass bottles in their plastic sleeves.


I'm going to get my 'inventors head' on this weekend while I'm away, methinks. (lol)

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You could maybe fill some plastic ice cream containers with concrete and fit your shoes onto them as a vertical extender solution?
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J9withdogs - 2008-03-11 11:19 AM


Or maybe find a motorhome that was designed by a woman? :D


Designed by a woman eh?


Something of a contradiction in terms maybe?

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