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Peugot Boxer Gearbox

Ex Red Duster

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I have a 1996 Swift Royal 590 on a Peugot Boxer 2.5 TD base with 54,000 miles on it. Over the past few months I Have experienced a slight "graunching" when going to 3rd. gear, either up or down. All other gears are fine and the clutch is correctly adjusted. Has anyone experienced this or has knowledge of such. Does the gear selector cable need adjustment or do I have a synchro problem (I hope not!)? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi Owen and welcome to the forum. It sounds to me as if you have a problem with the synchromesh on third gear. If it is only occasional you can probably "drive round" it, in other words adjust your gearchaging technique to minimise the problems. How do you drive round a dodgy synchro? Well its not that difficult really but it takes practice to get right, all you need to do is take your time changing into third going up, this allows the cogs in the box to match their speed. Gonig down the box is a little trickier as you need to master double de-clutching. In essence you depress the clutch and shift to neutral, then release the clutch and blip the throttle, then depress the clutch again and shift into third. With practice you should find you can get almost perfect downshifts.


Alternatively its a gearbox rebuild!



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Hi Ex Red Duster, learn to double de-clutch, cheaper than a gearbox rebuild to fix your synchromesh, and it will make your clutch and gearbox last longer. I assume by your forum name you are ex-M.N? Welcome to the Forum, you don't have to be a 'nut case' but it does help.
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Hi Dave, Thanks for your promp reply. You have confirmed my worst fears. I had tried double de-clutching a couple of months ago with limitted succes, probably hadn't got the revs high enough. Took me back to learning to drive in an old Morris 10 too many years ago! Thanks for your help.




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Hi Ranger. Thanks for your help. Just confirms what I thought. As I told Dave Newall I did try double de-clutching with limitted success. I'll have to get it right if i don't want to pay for a rebuild. Your right I was in the M.N. for 38 years. Glad to be out of it now, it's not what it was that long ago.



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Hi again Ex Red Duster, well, well, I am ex Clan Line, and my first car was also a Morris 10, a 1934 Morris 10/4, double de-clutch all through the box. My first motor caravan was on a 1942 Austin 3000 converted mobile canteen again no synchromesh, but never any trouble, in fact it is still going strong on the I.O.W, the present owner takes it to the steam and vintage shows. So double de-clutch and you could keep going for years.
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Hi Ranger


Well, well, well! I am ex Clan Line to; 1961 to 1986. I was on last company ship before the company folded, M.T. "Scottish Eagle", came back from the Falklands in 1986 and that was it, all made redundant, then I joined Safmarine's "Off-shore" arm, "Gateway Shipping" which was based in Maidstone very convenient as I was living in Bearsted then. Jardine Matheson took them over within a year and worked for them until 1996 when I went back to London Ship Managers, an amalgamation of Gateway and the remnants of Clan Line, which had become CI Shipping. I was an Electrician, what side were you on? I ended up as a "Super" with Jardines but got fed up with all the flying around the world so went back to L.S.M. for my last 3 years and packed up in 1999. 38 years to the day since I signed on first. Small world ain't it.

Hope to hear from you again.



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