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Fuel Prices

Keith T

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:'( we operate a transport company, all vehicles on contract to local goverment, last tendered two years ago and three years to go, but they rufuse us an increase of any percentage, but still expect ROLLS ROYCE SERVICE. I drive a 4x4 as we live right in the counrty(no bus service) and I am penalized for that too, and we also have motorhome, so they are realy making me suffer and foolish to live in and work in |Britian. I was down south on Saturday and Diesel was £1.16 a litre
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horse444 - 2008-03-11 10:11 PM :'( we operate a transport company, all vehicles on contract to local government, last tendered two years ago and three years to go, but they rufuse us an increase of any percentage, but still expect ROLLS ROYCE SERVICE. ..................

A five year contract at a fixed rate for the entire term, under which you pay for all fuel used?  Are you sure?  With no increase permitted for increases in labour rates, VED rates, or other matters outside your control? 

Have you explored the possibility that the contract may fall outside the terms permissible for government bodies, or even outside the Unfair Contract Terms legislation. 

On the face of it, if I have understood correctly, the contract conditions are unreasonable, in that the lowest tenderer would have been the person who took the biggest risk on future price movements.  That, I think, would render the whole tendering procedure invalid, as a fair basis for tender cannot be established. 

Are you sure you've read every line of that contract for price variation clauses, and are you sure the council employee you're dealing with is administering the contract in a "fair and reasonable" manner, for that is what they must do?

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geordie01 - 2008-03-12 3:24 PM


better than bailing out sunderland


Now that made me chuckle!


We were going to stay at home for Easter, but having had an important planning application refused we just decied "sodemall" and we are going to clutter of to the forest with the MH.




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An interesting website that Janine but there are a few things that concern me, here's a quote from their petrol purchasing page:


"Ordering from us is safe and easy! Just enter the desired quantity of the fuel you need, and we'll package it up and send it to you in the post, first class, delivered straight through your letterbox. No hassle. No worries."


I don't want five gallons of petrol through my letterbox 8-) !


They say they'll send it through the post but I doubt very much if the post office will handle fuels in quantity.


Then there's the issue of licensed storage at your home, I can't remember what the limits are but I think its around 5 gallons before you need to have a bunded tank.



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