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Has anyone tried to use the Tomintoul aire de service lately? We were up there this week and thought we should support the facility. It was totally shut up and no sign of invitation for usage by MH's. No sign like the one on the Campingcar website/disc and no phone numbers to phone. Is it still accessible? Incidently we were extra careful passing the speed cameras on the dreaded A9. Not that anyone behind us liked it - tough. Much better travelling in the evening too!
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Been through and stopped in Tomintoul a couple of times over the "summer". Didn't know there was supposed to be an Aire. The A9 is not as bad as all that, especially when you're not in a hurry anyway. Enjoy the scenery. I keep looking for the "unmarked police cars".
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Hi Norma Not sure about Tomintoul but can I say that the campsite at Inver Mill which is seconds off the A9 is just superb and well worth a visit. I am sure that you would enjoy the walks and the Taybank hotel in Dunkeld which does fabulous stovies [English motorcaravanners e mail for a translation!]
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Hi Iain I wouldn't know where to start with stovies but will give you a taste of mine if you are ever in the Taybank at the same time as me. They must be good to cook in the van as I think they only need one pan. Anyone got a recipe for stovies or is this the wrong forum?!
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Stovies: 225g left over mince, stew, roast or corned beef 675g potatoes peeled 2 large onions peeled and chopped 50g roast dripping or equivalent salt & Pepper Brown the onions in the dripping (or other fat/oil) Add the potatoes - sliced Add salt & pepper Cook covered on low heat until potatoes soft (30mins) Add the meat in small picese and cook on low heat for about 30 mins Adjust seasoning Serve in generous mounds with oatcake stuck on top and with generous dram ! Enjoy The Clachnaharraidh (spelling may be wrong) on the outskirts of Inverness on the Beauly road just after crossing the canal,has good stovies too. Dunkeld is a bit of a step from Tomintoul !
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Alf you are a star. I am really looking forward to trying out your recipe and will find the Inverness place as soon as I am next up there. Dunkeld is just off the A9 on the road up to Inverness. Go for it!
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Well thank you! That has really helped. We don't need a campsite. We have good friends in Craigellechie and we stay there, on the banks of the Spey. Just thought we would 'off-load' and use the facility in Tomintoul to support them. Our friends have a cess pool and (yes we do use green stuff!) we didn't want to over load it as we are heavy users of the loo. No don't go there. The recipe is very useful, so thanks Alf.
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Guest John Hunter
Arrived at Tomintoul first day of new bowling season and spoke to chairman. Unfortunately, because of the spiraling cost of insurance, they can no longer allow vans to park at their club. They were very apologetic and extremely helpful and our 2 vans stayed overnight in the village car park, joined by a 3rd one later in the evening, with no problems. John
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Thanks for clearing that up. What a shame. Now the country's only aire has gone. (Sorry, the previous answer looks snappy on rereading. It really wasn't meant to be. The tongue was meant to be firmly in the cheek)
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