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calais ticket office


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hello does any one have the directions to the ticket office at the calais port for a over night stay. we are getting of the ferry this thursday night late and just need to get are head`s down till am .if someone has got the G.P.S.co ordiates. longitude/latitude so i can put them in the tom tom. i have looked on google earth and you can see the port area but unshore where to park. if you put the curser on the point where you know you park, it will tell you the L/L at the bottom of the screen. thank`s to all that reply if i dont get chance to email back.
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In July 2007 we stayed overnight at the Municipal Aires located within a public car park at Calais Plage (I think that's the name)

Google Earth shows the GPS as:-

50 deg 57'59.69"N  and 1 deg 50'40.61"E 

This is located at on the west side of the ferry terminal overlooking the harbour entrance, where you will find a large area set aside for Motorhomes. A young lady came round in the evening collected all of 7 Euros for the camping fee (at least that's what I assumed it was for !!! )

This location was acceptable and reasonably quiet.

A have heard that it is possible to stay amongst the lorries within the Ferry Terminal, but have not had this confirmed.

Hope this info is of interest to you

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jon&diane - 2008-03-16 1:33 PM hello does any one have the directions to the ticket office at the calais port for a over night stay. we are getting of the ferry this thursday night late and just need to get are head`s down till am .if someone has got the G.P.S.co ordiates. longitude/latitude so i can put them in the tom tom. i have looked on google earth and you can see the port area but unshore where to park. if you put the curser on the point where you know you park, it will tell you the L/L at the bottom of the screen. thank`s to all that reply if i dont get chance to email back.

We've stayed there a few times and its great.

50.967533, 1.868448 and attached image (supplied by another member).


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yes this i'm sure the best place to overnight.but money is taken in the morning by an officialy dressed ticket giving gentleman. By the way should you stay, park nearer to the entrance - not for safety but away from the ships (they make a din ) We've stayed many times with no problem and if you watch the clever ones they leave early 8to 830am ............we pay by the time i've waited on my wife washed up ect .have a good time by the way we've used many aires(not on motorways ) in villages ,by canals ,rivers ect......
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Hi jon&diane


It is quite ok to park at the terminal by the ticket office we use it every time (no lorries by the way only cars, caravans and motorhomes lorries use a different park slightly to the north). As you leave the terminal after coming off the boat you pass the parking area to your left and it is as shown on this Google map as the two White roads (you can also see the ticket office on the satellite view) with directional arrows entering and leaving the roundabout above the E15. Can't find Long and Lat on Google map so that's the best I can do for you!




It is a bit fiddly to get into as you have to keep to the right as you leave the terminal and take the road signposted 'Centre Ville' and go round the roundabout and under the E15 and back on yourself to the park. Should you miss the turning and end up on the E15 just turn round at the next junction and return and take the slip round before the terminal which takes you straight onto the roundabout at the start of the park.


There are toilets and showers in the main buildings at the far end (left on the map) if you want it and parking here is completely free (unlike the Aire) though can be fairly noisy as the ferries are embarking/ disembarking through the night, use earplugs and you will have no problem. Biggest advantage is it is Police patrolled 24hrs so there is no worry on the security side. We always use it in and out overnight.

Hope that helps.





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Copy the attached file into the ITN folder on your TomTom.  When you get back into your vehicle on the car deck turn on your TomTom and go to the Itinerary Planning option on Main Menu 2 of 3.

Select Options > Load Itinerary then load the attached 'Calais Overnight Parking' itinerary.

As soon as you get a fix it'll take you straight there :-)

When you arrive it might pay to add the location as a 'Favourite' that way wherever you are in Europe you can just hit Navigate To > Favourite > 'Calais Overnight Parking' and it'll take you straight there.

Calais Overnight Parking.itn

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Can highly recommend the parking area at the terminal, we didn't find it noisy at all and I'm a very light sleeper. We parked in the centre 'lane' backed up to the flower bed on your left as you enter the parking area and that way weren't affected by other van's driving past us as you would get if you parked more in the main part of the car park or on the fringes near the roadways.
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