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First night away in the new van.

Tony Jones

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(Sorry Mel, this is about the VAN, not the details of the night.)


We finally got away at 4pm Friday, and drove through the usual Friday mixture of dreadful weather, dreadful drivers, hold-ups and accidents to Bourton-on-the-Water. Finally arrived about 8.15 at the MCC CL in the grounds the "Bourton Rovers' (??) Social Club."

Spent a peaceful night there, then over to Witney where my parents live, took them for a spin, nd eventually set off for home just after 5pm. Much better drive home - well, it had to be, it wasn't a Friday!


So what did we learn about the new wagon?


A few little "glitches" to be sorted out by Ford dealer:

remote control on keys is intermittent, driver's mirror wobbly, and a rubber seal at top of tailgate needs replacing as it's unstuck and lets a tiny amount of water in.


A few "glitches" to be sorted out by the converters:

Couple of cupboard latches hard to open, a drawer latch that tends to pop open on sharp bends, and the gauge on Gaslow bottle still empty even when it's full.


But on the whole, "the Van With No Name" performed beautifully in every way. The main problems were a few little "glitches" about US. For example:

In a small van, putting the bed together requires a specific routine, involving the order you do things and where your partner goes while you do them - and in a different van, the routine is different!!

Storing the towels under the bed is only a good idea of you both get up together, not if one wants a shower while the other stays put!

Now we know why the French always fill up their water tanks on ARRIVAL rather than on DEPARTURE. In future, however full we THINK that tank is, we'll fill it when we arrive wherever we're staying the night (I got the shower, Liz only got a wash)!


Planning another overnight on Easter Sun evening, prior to our Great Escape to France and Spain at the end of the month.



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Tony - I am sure all the "snags" will get "snagged" (sorted) - anything new needs a period of settling in.


On the adjacent thread you said you were going to Northern Spain - have you been there before?


There was a really good write up on the region a couple of years back in Out and About mag - June or July 2005 I think? and when i read it i just sat there nodding in agreement.


This area of Spain is fantastic. If you can get to Potes - it will be worth the effort - have lunch by river. Fantastic.




And do go to Fuente de - fantastic walks and views from the cable car!

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We too are escaping to France and Spain and have received great help from the forum re gas and electricity. We too are first timers - we are sailing from Plymouth to Santander on 2.4.08 and having 3 weeks of culture in Northern Spain before hitting the cost and travelling along to Montpelier back to Andorra and back up through France.


Things like towels and bedding and storage have been puzzling us and also where to put all my shoes!!!! We tried a haning rack but it wouldnt fit.


We are away for 14 weeks and are very excited - we have planned all our route with sites - no camping wild for the first time. We have had the van checked and lights done and new tyres - have just got to pack everything.

We are very 'nervous' but to date all the motorhomers we have met have been lovely. My husband is waving enthusiastically to every motor home we meet.


Have a wonderful time



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Tony, good to hear everything went as well as can be expected. When our new van is delivered in May and my back operation is fixed we won't be far behind you!


Janny, you will have a steep learning curve but a fantastic time! We went last year for 12 weeks and it was, apart from a week-end away, our first time "vanning". Do try an aire or two. They are quite safe and you will meet more friendly people. If you are in the area try the one at Narbonne Plage, it is right next to the beach. There is no hook up but water and waste dumps are available. The fee is 7 Euros per night. Another to try is along side the Canal du Midi at Trebes. Again no electric but free water and waste facilities and no fee for staying. It is very picturesque and only about 300 mtres from the village centre.


France is the spiritual home of motorhomes and you will be made very welcome. If you are unsure of aires then the municipal camp sites are very reasonable and usually to a good standard.


Bon Voyage!

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prewelli - 2008-03-18 10:46 AM


We too are escaping to France and Spain and have received great help from the forum re gas and electricity. We too are first timers - we are sailing from Plymouth to Santander on 2.4.08 and having 3 weeks of culture in Northern Spain before hitting the cost and travelling along to Montpelier back to Andorra and back up through France.


Never tried the Santander crossing, but I've heard lots of people speak well of it, and it certainly makes a lot of sense if you want to start your trip in Spain. We've only ventured into Spain a couple of times, and never for very long, but the stretch of France between there and Montpellier is one of our favourites.

Sounds as if you'll be "doubling back" somewhat though - have you considered doing your border-crossing via Andorra, then getting on with the French leg of the trip?

(I agree everyone should visit Andorra once, but for me that was enough. It's great for tax-free shopping, but not nearly as beautiful as a "mountain-kingdom" with a name like that should be. Mind you, we arrived in a thick cloud/drizzle/mist, in an ancient van which had barely struggled up the mountains, so my view may be a bit jaundiced!)


Things like towels and bedding and storage have been puzzling us and also where to put all my shoes!!!! We tried a haning rack but it wouldnt fit.


Leave most of them at home! Just take (each) one pair of sandals, one pair of smart-ish shoes (which you probably won't wear) and possibly (depending on time of year) a pair of boots.


We are away for 14 weeks and are very excited - we have planned all our route with sites - no camping wild for the first time. We have had the van checked and lights done and new tyres - have just got to pack everything.


I seriously envy you the 14 weeks. The longest we've ever escaped from our various forms of wage-slavery has been a month! Oh well, roll on retirement!


We are very 'nervous' but to date all the motorhomers we have met have been lovely. My husband is waving enthusiastically to every motor home we meet.


No need for the nerves - just get on with it. I often catch myself waving to motorhomes even when I drive my old Mini - and waving to Mini-drivers (no, not "Minnie Driver!") when I'm in the van!


You have a wonderful time too - I'm sure you will.





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Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and encouragement.


My second name is Imelda so not quite sure about the one good pair and one pair of sandals.


Re Andorra - we realise we are doubling back but haveto meet some friends on the coast - also have heard conflicting eports so may leave it out!!


We both retired at 60 as my husband had prostrate cancer (all clear now thank goodness) but it was a real wake up call re life!!! We are having a gap year and will probably have to go back to work part time after this but we are detrmined to live the dream for a year!!


If anyone else is in the are during the time we are away email me as I will be taking the laptop


Have also started a blog http://jannyandrogerstravels.blogspot.com



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Jan have a great time, now for the other bit. We are going same area on 16/5 and if you should visit finistere lighthouse could you let us know via your blog if we can park their as we wish to see the sunset over the atlantic. But would need somewhere to rest our heads in the motorhome. Best wishes gil griffin
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Will do - first I willhave tofind out where the Finistere light house is - just going to consult google - when I find it I will let you know



Thanks to all for the encouragement - by the way we have a 7 year old Fiat does anyone know if the reversing problem I have read about applies to this model?


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