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Deadbolts for Ducato


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Looked at the sites you mentioned but there dos'nt seem to be a lock that meets my needs.

So far I can only see locks designed for protection when away from the vehicle ie outside keys {ideal for van drivers but not motorhomes} OR locks designed for key operation from the inside ie for use when the camper is occupied. That seems an expensive soloution - Why not install a low cost chubb bolt?


I've managed to find large 'chubb style' lock for £20 which is designed for 'up and over' garage doors. It's got individual keys, it can be locked from inside or out, it's ideal for the habitation doors, but unfortunately it cant be used on thick cab doors. The only drawback is the 4" long chubb style key.


Is there a locking deadbolt on the market that be opened by key both inside and outside or will I have to install two different systems ?

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Two or three years ago we bought (on the internet) cab door security that flips over the door locks after the doors are locked in the normal way. It is then impossible for the locks to be opened from the outside. For even more security these can be locked so that even if the window is broken they cannot be moved off the door catch. Unfortunately I cannot remember the name of the firm but will try to find receipt. I know they were about £30 and were fitted easily. I feel very secure with them but sometimes put straps across too. You exit out of the habitation door and I have a Fiamma security handle that goes across the door when unoccupied. As both my chidren's 'vans have been broken into while they were sleeping in them (3am seems to be the favourite time) you can't be too careful and being on a site makes little difference - they are after passports (worth over £3000 I am told) and money when abroad, not to steal the van. I always put these locks on when I park up too. The dog barking might also be a deterrent too!
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I fitted Heosafe locks to my Fiat Ducato cab doors, it took less that 30 mins. They are expensive but when you spend £40,000 on a van what’s £140. The keys are not to put the lock on but to take it off.

I know it gives me a piece of mind knowing that if someone is going to break a door window they will not be able to open the door within seconds. Like JudgeMental I exit though the habitation door which also has an external door look. With the alarm set and only one exit / entry point the van looks secure to the point that sometimes it can be a bit of a chore when you leave it just for a few minutes. But that’s the point make it a chore for the thief so he thinks twice and moves to the next motorhome that’s not got the same level of security. I know that’s a very mercenary attitude but you work hard to get what you have so work hard to protect it.


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Thanks for all your suggestions.I've investigated and discarded a few differnt solutions and I think I've found a solution but would appreciate any opinions before I proceed.


1. I've got a very strong system on the habitation doors, suitable for both occupied and unoccupied operation (deadbolts top and bottom, key lockable from inside or out) As there is no window close to the locks the keys can be left in [for emergency evacuation] when we are sleeping. Only drawback is carrying two 4" long key when away from the van.


2.Heosafe appear to be "invisible" from outside at night and exit thru the cab doors is not posible


3.Safeways and other companies make deadlocks that can be key operated from the outside and thus provide a visible deterrent. Exit from the cab is possible and the keys can be operated from inside by lowering the cab window.


The proposed solution -


By fitting the Safeway style deadbolts I have the choice of exiting through either the cab or habitation doors, thieves will be deterred by the presence of a visible secondary security lock, at night time the deadlocks can be locked when the Silver Screen is put on, and in bad weather or muddy conditions the bolts can be engaged from inside via the window

The only drawback seems to be having to lock each door seperately - 'er indoors will have to lock her own door and not rely on me and the central locking system !

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