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Home Insurance Companies

starvin marvin

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Can anyone help with advice on the currently most competitive home insurance companies? We're currently with RIAS who extended our cover from 60 days to 90 days away at no extra cost subject to someone having access to the property at least once per week. SAGA do 60 days with extra cost for additional time away. All the others I've tried only do 30 days which is no good for us.


Renewal is looming and we're already thinking of our next extended winter break!

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I think Norwich Union do 30 days as standard , but can be extended to 90 days if certain conditions are met. i.e daily of weekly visit, usual stuff about window locks and external door locks.


NU came up cheapest this year, Axa wanted to double the premium from last year becuse of floods down the road in the same postcode area.



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Hi Starvin


You don't say whether your looking to insure the building, contents, or both.


For buildings I don't think it should be too difficult to get standard cover for up to 60 days providing, for reasons I don't understand, the property is furnished. Try Co-Operative Insurance. They'll also quote for a combined home and motorhome contents cover as well.



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You are correct that Saga has a 60 day cover and extra for over this period but I have yet to find any company cheaper as they have a price promise so you never loose out. We have car, camper, house and contents with them.

Detatched 3 bed total premium £172.41 (hse & contents)

Car BMW 5 series full comp £160

Raoido 997M - 2yr old load of extras £390 and no tracker required.

Now when you go on hol. you send your car insurance cert. back to Saga and you get refunded 75% by the day, I do not know of any other company that does this unless you guys out there now different. The vevicle has to be off road so all you need is fire and theft, when you return the new full comp starts from that day.

So good savings, plus sorn car and return tax disc, stop the TV license, and after 1st year (if you have it) stop SKY. Until recently you could cancell BT but they have stopped this.

I would be very interested and so would every one else to know of there are any other savings out there, with prices rocketing every little helps says Tesco although we never use them, they will not be satisfied until they close every other store in the UK.








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Thanks for the responses. For your information I've checked with almost all the companies suggested plus a few more for buildings and contents.


Norwich Union (not NU Direct) only deal through brokers and I'm caught in a post code trap on flooding, although I'm a mile and a half from a river plus being uphill! but no matter NU are too expensive by a long way.


NU Direct only offer bog standard insurance 30 days unoccupied before conditions apply which makes the cover very limited indeed.


Barclays Bank Home Insurance again very limited cover once you are out of the property for more than 30days


CC (not CCC, not a member anymore) want rebuilding costs which I don't want to get involved with. Everybody else offer "blanket" coverage on buildings ie £500,000 or £1m.


SAGA are more expensive than RIAS (my current insurer) by £25


Post Office are £5 more expensive than RIAS and only offer 45 days as standard after that its in the hands of the underwriter to decide on any conditions.


Still got to try Comfort and Nationwide, then thats it for me unless anyone else can suggest a competative company. I've also tried a couple of brokers but again the length of time unoccupied is the stumbling block.


Its times like this you need your kids to move back home, I don't think so! Then what you'd save on insurance you'd lose on the phone bill!!





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