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Petition to Mods


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We now have 3 threads running on the Fiat problems. Even a casual examination of these will reveal the widespread interest and concern of forum members. Any worry about the relationship between MMM and the originator has surely now been outweighed by the forum .activity these threads have generated.


This is a subject of grave concern to many of your readers and forum members and we ask that you take the sensible course of action and amalgamate them into a 'sticky'.


(Please indicate if you agree with the above and let's get some common sense into this)

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You have my full agreement for what its worth.


I admire your stance but it won't make the slightest bit of difference .

I often wonder am I alone ? I wonder why it is that the MODs on here never seem to speak tell us we are ok or doing wrong .

I find it really odd that we sometimes don't know they are there until someone gets banned. why is it other mods on other M/Home forums speak to their customers and Warners Mods dont . Is it the fact that this is free and they feel they dont have to ? I know some of the other forums you have to pay for, perhaps thats why they talk to their members.


maybe I'm alone in wondering .

Anyway I wish you all the best but wall bang head springs to mind. *-)

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I agree Parkmoy. I don't have one of these fortunately not even a motorhome as I had to part with mine and go tugging, but it's about time, as far as I can see as a retired motor engineer, that this magazine attended to their supposed customers, I.E. the motorhome users and got off the fence. This thing is going to cost countless ordinary people who have spent their life savings on one of these apparently non reversing vehicles. There is a law somewhere that compels vehicles to have a means of reversing. Possibly someone could take this aspect and get the manufacturer for this.
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I agree with the first post. I don't have one of these offending vehicles and will be unlikely to contemplate getting one currently.

I am, however at the moment an MMM subscriber and I am seriously considering stopping this as this is just another example (I have a previous gripe of my own with the dodgy and biased editors) of their complete disregard for their customers that pay their wages, or is it the advertisers that are their customers?



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Basil, I think you'll find it's the advertisers that pay their wages and the customers just chip in for a round of drinks now and then!


But to be fair I can remember seeing stuff when they have pooled threads and commented before on stuff. But the threads mentioned are very similar and I suggested this a week ago.

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Guest JudgeMental


Yes, I agree fix all related posts under one sticky at the top. no wonder they won't allow a more democratic user mods system like other sites.... *-)

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michele - 2008-03-18 7:09 PM You have my full agreement for what its worth. I admire your stance but it won't make the slightest bit of difference . I often wonder am I alone ? I wonder why it is that the MODs on here never seem to speak tell us we are ok or doing wrong . I find it really odd that we sometimes don't know they are there until someone gets banned. why is it other mods on other M/Home forums speak to their customers and Warners Mods dont . Is it the fact that this is free and they feel they dont have to ? I know some of the other forums you have to pay for, perhaps thats why they talk to their members. maybe I'm alone in wondering . Anyway I wish you all the best but wall bang head springs to mind. *-)

Hi Michele

Agree with your sentiments entirely.

I've now joined another forum because some of the views from long term members.

Just checked - and it looks like a thread that I was responding to has been pulled.!!To me it looks like it was because I've had another run in with an establish contributor who responds with rather long responses & prides himself on using eloquent words.(not BGD)!!


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I am sorry and will be sad to see you go anywhere .

However it does not suprise me and us adding to this thread will not make the mods come out and talk .


I just find it a very ignorant way of dealing with people maybe its just me

but it would be nice if they occasionally said or told us why rather than left the people wondering where a contributor has gone or a thread has gone .


Anyway we can all bang away on our key boards agreeing with Parkmoy it wont get us anywhere .

Good health Thai hopefully I will see you around one day.


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I'm not exactly sure what you want done.


At present there are some 20 pages and approaching 500 postings on the juddering-in-reverse defect, spread (as you say) across 3 discrete threads. Are you looking for those threads to be bodged together into a single entity and stuck to the top of the forum web-page, or do you envisage someone auditing each thread, separating the wheat from the chaff and producing a balanced summary? I can imagine a forum Moderator might be prepared to do the former (though I'm doubtful that the forum's software would actually permit it), but I can't see he/she taking on the latter task.


Given that OutandAboutLive Moderators act primarily as censors (and I've got no problem with that) and don't actively involve themselves with forum business as happens, say, on the MotorHomeFacts forums, as far as I can see, the best way forward might be for a new 4th thread to be created. This would begin by summarising the situation to date and provide cross-references to the previous 3 threads that could then be allowed to slip off the bottom of the forum main web-page in the normal manner.


Concentration could then be placed solely on Thread 4 and I would suggest that postings to that thread should be limited to ongoing comments from Andy Stothert and others who actually own current model Citroen/Fiat/Peugeot vehicles and are involved in discussion/dispute with dealers/manufacturers about the problem.


At present there's just a sprawling saga comprising a mish-mash of fact and fiction, objective and subjective opinion, blind guesswork, conflicting statements, etc. and things get worse the longer the threads become. If the defect is as serious as is being claimed then the subject needs proper focus and that's not happening. How one would get forum members to co-operate with the Thread 4 idea is, of course, quite another matter!

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Just for the sake of fairness here:

Dave & I have each had a post pulled from this thread this week - we'd referred to a legal matter relating to a dealer.

We did get PMs explaining the legal reason - Dave can speak for himself, but personally I could see the point.


I asked the Mod whether some general summary of the legal problems can be put in the "Forum User's Guide" - if it can be translated into plain English - and he's looking into that.


However, none of this relates the main point of this thread. I suggest that people just keep posting to one or more of the "Leves" threads (sevel reversing - geddit?) to keep them at the top. We Ford fanatics can just keep scrolling down three more lines - how much trouble is that, really?

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I'm not exactly sure what you want done.

I agree it's a bit of a mish mash - now - it wouldn't be if it had been amalgamated sooner.


I don't really mind how it's done, they could always ask for ideas (there's a novel thought!).


What matters is that we should have one thread and it should be a 'sticky'. Surely the forum belongs to it's contributers and I fail to see how rationalising it at our request will compromise them. After all we're not asking for their support - well we are - but not by asking for a 'sticky'.


Come on Mods/Warners, how about showing a bit of backbone?

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Come on MRS MOD maybe it is a woman then we would get some sense :D


Whats wrong with amalgamating all this together ?

Surely by doing that it doesn't mean that you are in agreement with what we all say .

We are only asking for you to stick it together for us save us looking all over the show .


pretty please :D

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Guest Tracker
Wouldn't it be easier for the Mods to lock the two smaller threads following a final posting in each of them referring readers to the main thread?
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Tracker - 2008-03-25 3:58 PM


Wouldn't it be easier for the Mods to lock the two smaller threads following a final posting in each of them referring readers to the main thread?


That would be a sensible way forward Tracker.



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