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Towing a caravan with a camper

david lloyd

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Hi everyone


I'm sure there have been threads on this topic before but I can't get a response from the search function so have to ask again.


Has anyone ever used a small camper conversion such as a VW transporter to tow a caravan with?


Having recently returned to using a caravan we have no regrets as far as space and comfort are concerned but do miss the motorhome for certain things like days out at the seaside etc. or even the odd night.


It occurred to me that a VW van conversion is comparable to the Kia Sorento we use now in terms of size and may even be more economical for everyday use. Then there is the added flexibility for taking the family away with us and even going off to explore the area for a couple of nights leaving the van on site.


I'm not sure how site managers would react but if only one of the vehicles is being used for camping then it is no different a situation to any car/caravan combination. If we were to use both vehicles then, naturally, we would expect to pay for two and even have separate pitches.


Thoughts anyone?

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Never done it myself but I have seen others do it. On your point about expecting to pay for two units I don't think you have to, after all you just have a towing vehicle and a caravan. I think (not sure) on both club sites you would pay for one pitch regardless of what the vehicle but commercial sites I suppose vary.


Personally I don't see any difference between a small camper+caravan and what many others set up on site, large 4x4 tow vehicle, huge twin axle caravan and of course the awning, then a large area with chairs, sun- brolly and barbecue fenced off with a 5' high wind break! And I've seen plenty of that.


Whether it's fair or not is another question. Sorry if I've gone off on one a bit.





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Hello David


We towed a caravan with a VW Trident and never had to pay twice. I used to get comments like 'Cant you make up your mind what you want to be' but was always booked in as a caravan. only once on a CC site did a warden tell me not to use the gas in the camper.


Re. the combination, it works very well. My camper was the T5 with the 2.5TD and pulled an 18ft van with ease.


If you do go this way make sure you have two of everything as we found that going off for the day we had left something in the caravan and vice versa.





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Hi, we tow a caravan with a autosleeper trident mainley in the winter ,tows realley well probably better than a car as the wind is taken over the van , never been asked to pay twice just to have gas bottles in the caravan only because of safety reasons, Malcolm
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Hi David,

We used to tow our pullman with our VW caravell.

It towed fantastically and I still now and again tow a horse box with no problems.

When we towed with the Volvo car I can remember being forced down the hill on rote to Milau I could see them escape lanes arriving rather quickly .


In the van we never had this problem I would certainly say its a pleasant way to tow . We just popped the kettle on in the boot of the VW as in the back we have a 12v power socket which we run the fridge off of so home from home to us . The added bonus also was the fact that we could drive up high and had all round good vision but then we were only towing a pullman. Good luck in your choice forgot we have never been charged twice that we know of.

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Thanks for all the useful comments so far people....................


Long way to go before taking the plunge and lots of decisions to make along the way but wondered if any users of the VW camper conversions can verify the sort of average MPG so that we can compare that to say the MWB Boxer/Ducato variants that, I think, average between 28 - 33 mpg?


Thanks again and keep the comments coming - the more first hand expereinces we get from those who have done it the better.


Regards, David

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