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Motorcycle rack on Pilote Galaxy 240

myland rose

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Does this mean you have one? Or do you want to fit one on your tow ball?

We have a 240, but no M/c rack; we have an ordinary bike rack, which is high up due to the big rear locker door. If you have the same locker door, how would you get to the locker with the bike there? 8-)

The other consideration would be weight - if it's a 3850 limit, no problem, but kept down to 3500 you would struggle.

I don't recollect this coming up in any discussions on here or on www.motorhomefacts.com ;you could try a search on both.

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Hi myland rose


I've got a 2003 Pilote 270 very similar 'van to yours but for reasons best know to Pilote the 240 ceased production in 2003.


You don't mention what you'd propose putting on a motorcycle rack but I'd be extremely cautious about carrying even the smallest of scooters on a "standard" set up. I accept that there may be important differences with load distribution with my 'van but I have to say it has a tendency to be relatively light at the front end and that extra weight would be a real problem for me.


There's a lot of useful stuff on this forum about the affects of carrying large rear loads and things like wheel torque that you can access via the search facilities and I'd urge you to study those threads before rushing into things.


When I looked into this I concluded that the only safe way to take my scooter would be on a trailer - and having given up being a tugger that wasn't a particularly attractive option, so I haven't!






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Hi thanks so much for reply. We thought we had done our homework about putting scooter on back of 240 as it has 3850kg weight and we do check with weighbridge etc. We have an easylifter used on our last van which we may use again when we get tow bar fitted. Your point about being light is very interesting, yes this van does feel light and i am now wondering if the bike will cause a problem with handling and we do not want to tow it on trailer. Thanks again for your input. Richard.
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I share Vernon's apprehension...


The G240 was constructed on a medium-wheelbase chassis and adding the significant mass of a scooter on a rear-mounted rack is bound to lever a good deal of weight off the front axle. If it feels light at the front now, it's likely to feel a helluva lot lighter with a scooter on the back.


The good news is that your heavy-duty Matador Variant tyres should be able to handle the extra load you'd be placing on the rear axle!



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Hi thanks for input much appreciated not sure what we will do about motorcycle now, probably go ahead and see how the van responds. Did think of air ride as proved good for stability and could make van rear higher on previous van but this has alko chassis so was quoted over £700! seemed rather a lot, will give it more thought. Thanks again. Richard.
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