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Frech Soeed camerask

Guest Keith T

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Guest Keith T
Have just returen from some weeks in france, and caught up with the UK speed matters. France now seems to have adopted cameras in some areas, and there is little warning. The signs gives no pictiral inidication that it is a camera merely 'frequent radar contrlles' ot something similar, The cameras are not clearly or brightly highlighted as in UK, and there are no mkarkings on the road surface! Twice in 2 days we were 'flashed' on good90kph roads, and my guess is we wer doing about 100kph, but in mph tersm the differential is quite marginal, esepcially as in both cases we wer looking fo tollow direction signs rather than keeping our eyes on an internal instrument! We await to see if the 'tickets' reach us, but no doubt with all the burocratic 'co-operation', they will sooner or later. Anyone with similar experiences this year?
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Hi Keith Its too easy to exceeed the speed limit on Mways especially if you have a powerfull engine Unfortunately all the EEC countries are getting together to collect each others fines - speed ing, parking etc One of our parkind attendents informed me that the French M home would receive a fine eventually for not displaying a valid parking ticket
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Guest martin
You're right - the French law makes it legal to hide behind buildings, signposts or trees with hand held radar guns! The cameras are well signposted in our experience but are very nicely painted to blend with the surroundings - but the sign can be about a 1km away! As I understand it, not only does the ticket eventually find its way to you ... but YOU GET POINTS TOO ... and points mean .... well let's just say I try not to antagonise the local police in whatever country ... it can be very costly and painful. We use a cheap handheld GPS to give an accurate speed in kph - well worth the investment!
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Guest Derek Uzzell
My understanding is that speeding 'tickets' resulting from automatic cameras located in a European country are not enforcd outside that particular country's national boundaries, though there are proposals that they should be. If you're caught by a manually operated speed-trap in France you'll be on-the-spot fined of course. Also beware of taking a 'radar detector' to France - omning one is illegal (not just using it) and attracts a hefty fine.
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The speed cameras on French autoroutes are large, floor mounted ones. painted in motorway grey with yellow and white hazard tape around the edges. The best solution is the global one - don't exceed the speed limit!
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Saw a battery of 5 police cars parked on the hard shoulder of the A26, all with tailgates up, all with speed cameras pointing out down the road. Five!! I kid you not. What was all that about then?
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Guest Tony Downes
May have been 5 cop cars with radar but how many motorcycle cops with them to do the on the spot fine. The last time I went through Calais there were about 25 or 30 motorcycle cops doing the circuit for the tunnel leavers and ferry leavers. Welcome to France!! Why is it that we do not moniter those entering GB for headlight converters, speeding etc near to our ports of entry, and come to that charge a levy to use our roads.
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