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French Speed cameras

Guest Keith T

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Guest Keith T
Have just returen from some weeks in france, and caught up with the UK speed matters. France now seems to have adopted cameras in some areas, and there is little warning. The signs gives no pictiral inidication that it is a camera merely 'frequent radar contrlles' ot something similar, The cameras are not clearly or brightly highlighted as in UK, and there are no mkarkings on the road surface! Twice in 2 days we were 'flashed' on good90kph roads, and my guess is we wer doing about 100kph, but in mph tersm the differential is quite marginal, esepcially as in both cases we wer looking fo tollow direction signs rather than keeping our eyes on an internal instrument! We await to see if the 'tickets' reach us, but no doubt with all the burocratic 'co-operation', they will sooner or later. Anyone with similar experiences this year?
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Hi Keith, I haven't actually travelled in France for many years but I have heard from others that they are very tight on speed limits and unlike in good old UK they don't give any margin of error. If you're over the speed limit they will do you. Might I suggest you try a cruise control system, you can set it to whatever speed you like and then you no longer need to worrty about monitoring the little instrument yourself as the cruise will keep you to the speed set. I would recomend setting the cruise to one or two mph under any road limit as this gives you a safety margin. regards Dave@davenewell.co.uk
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