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Merc & VW owner


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You say why? I thought the objective was to inform and warn all Fiat owners and prospective buyers of the problems.


I submit articles to several Motoring Clubs' Newsletters who will also be receiving details.


No the Merc and VW do not have any problems. That's why I would never entertain a Fiat at any price.



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I think you are wrong to critisize a vehicle you dont own.While there have been problems with some, I have a 3 litre a class , have done around 8000 miles in less than a year and it has been perfect, admittadly I have not reversed up a steep hill yet but I have cruised on the continant for hours at 70mph been up steep hills in spain where I have had wheelspin etc, in other words it has had to work and at the moment I would not change it for anything.


I did own a merc 316 based M/H, the engine or the gearbox wasnt a patch on the fiat( it went in twice to main dealer with gear change problems) plus in side wind it was all over the place.


A freind works at a firm which did run merc vans but have gone back to transit and iveco due to problems with 5 cyl engines, so they can all give problems.

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You are correct, I do not own a Fiat.


Just because I do not own a Fiat doesn't prevent me from advertising a just cause. If it saves a potential buyer loosing their cash I'm all for that.


This is one of the advantages of the Internet and programmes like Watchdog. Do not kid yourselves that large Companies are squeaky clean, they are far from it.


In particular an industry like Fiat, it's likely that 20% of Italy is Fiat.


Surely the object here is to inform as many Fiat users (plus future buyers) that there is or will be a potential problem when the warranty runs out.


I've also recently put together two pages of suitable information and sent it to the TV Watchdog programme.


Large Companies are not put off by the odd complaint so one has to expand the issue as far and as wide as possible.



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While I accept there are some major problems with many, possibly most new fiat based M/Hs,and I would help where I could, I think the correct people are trying to get it sorted, ie those with the problems,I feel for others to complain only serves to reduce the weight of their argument.

It is most important at all times to be absoloutly factual.


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Trooper ,

Whilst i can see your point I can also see Libbys whats wrong with telling the public . seems to me the only way to get them to listen fiat that is is to stand up and refuse to purchase the vehicles. Whats wrong with supporting even if you are not affected by it . Arn't you the lucky one not to have no problems . If however you were just thinking of buying and bought a real humdinger would you not think for warned or forearmed was better .

Now supposing that person was me who told you I am not affected wouldnt you be forearmed so that when you went to buy you could bear it in mind and reverse up a rather large hill . I know that i would rather know if someone told me I would make a bloody big point of reversing up hill for as long as possible .

You never know someone like us who is not affected touch wood might just save someone eles bacon .



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The problem with scaring people into avoiding a Fiat, is that they'll assume that other base vehicles don't have such faults, when of course they do. Where some of the arguments here are starting to sound like over-reaction, is the assumption that if you buy a Ducato you will lose thousands of pounds, due to its inherent design flaws. No-one has a crystal ball and, therefore, cannot forecast the used motorhome market.


I did plenty of research before buying my Ducato-based Adria Twin and went ahead despite the adverse publicity. A month later and I'm delighted with the van. However, I shall avoid reversing up steep hills.



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