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Leaking Door Seal

peter lambert

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Just been away in our Rapido for the Easter break to make the most of the glorious sunshine!!!(not).

We have a problem with the door seal at the bottom of the habitation door. It lets in water while travelling or if the wind blows the rain into that side of the van. As a consequence, the small door mat inside the door gets very wet (half a cup full!!). Obviously this is not ideal.

Has anyone else had similar problems?

Can anyone suggest a remedy for this water ingress?


Any help or suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

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Peter sorry to here of your problems we had a leaking Heki and I used that stuff basically foam I cut it into thin strips this may work for you as it will catch it all .

I take it the van is not new enough to go back ? Is there no way someone could realign the door for you . Sorry not much help try the foam tape it into the door frame so that when you shut it it acts like a draught excluder.



Good Luck maybe others have a better solution I do hope so .

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Like Michele sez, stick on foam draught excluder tape, then if you soak it with wax polish it will act as a short term answer 'til you get the door refitted. or refit DIY. Quite easy if you have about four hands, and a good eye.
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Habitation-door adjustment might be straightforward on a Legend (with it's external hinges) but may well prove impossible on some motorhomes without removing and replacing the complete door/door-frame assembly. It's an ongoing, fairly commonplace problem that points to poor quality-control in the motorhome factory and there have been previous complaints on this forum indicating how difficult a mal-fitting door can be to correct satisfactorily.


If plastic foam is to be used, then it would probably be best if it could be stuck to the door rather than to the frame - otherwise I don't think it would last long.


Just in case it's relevant, my Hobby's habitation-door (and all its lockers) let in rainwater initially. This was due to the door/locker frame having a channel-shaped profile that collected the water, plus an internal seal that joined in the centre at the base of the frame. The water that collected in the frame-channel entered the narrow gap in the seal's join and was 'wicked' upwards and over the internal seal and into the locker or door-mat area. The cure involved filling the joins in the seals with silicone.

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